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Linking techniques that damage the site Some deadly methods that cause damage to the site through backlinks, including buying backlinks, are listed in this article to get acquainted with them and avoid them to prevent penalized by search engines
Nov 05, 2021 |
How to make money through backlinks? Backlinks, in addition to being able to influence the SEO of the site and increase the number of visitors, can also be effective in earning money, which is listed in this article.
Nov 05, 2021 |
How to build backlinks and its important points In building and creating backlinks to increase site traffic and have a strong SEO, you must first get acquainted with its principles and standards that are listed in this article.
Nov 05, 2021 |
How do I use Absolute Layout in Xamarin? Absolute layout in Xamarin allows you to easily place items on one page regardless of other items on the same page or pages, which we will discuss later.
Nov 04, 2021 |
How does Google penalize sites for linking? In order for Google search engine not to penalize your site when buying backlinks, it is better to first get acquainted with its principles and crimes, which are listed in this article.
Nov 03, 2021 |
Criteria and standards for building backlinks If you want to create backlinks to increase site traffic, it is better to first get acquainted with the principles of link building in 2021 to make backlinks more effective.
Nov 03, 2021 |
160 SEO effective factors in Google ranking Google search engine uses 160 factors to optimize the content of sites and their ranking, in this article you can see the SEO factors and principles of Google ranking.
Nov 03, 2021 |
Top 8 SEO companies in India There are great agencies with SEO services in India, and here is a list of some of them on which you can rely for building up your business or your website optimization with their practical marketing techniques.
Nov 01, 2021 |
Learn how to display data from databases and tables in PHP One of the common needs of web users is to fetch the data from the databases which are on the server and show this information in the form of a table.
Oct 30, 2021 |
How to cache in PHP by Record set In many cases we need to load information from a database in a server and show it to the user. We can cache data by recordsets in PHP easily.
Oct 30, 2021 |
How to upload a file and build a database in PHP In interactive web pages usually users want to upload files to the server. You can upload a file in PHP by simple codes. You must show a form to the user and the user must select a file and send it to your server.
Oct 27, 2021 |
What is the most dangerous cyber-attack? Due to the increasing number of types of cyber-attacks, it is necessary for you to first identify the most dangerous cyber attacks available, which we will mention here. it's a good knowledge to avoid getting hacked.
Oct 27, 2021 |
Is Xcode free for Windows? Have you ever worked with Xcode? Do you think Xcode is an efficient tool? Here we want to know Xcode, how to install it, and also how to work with it on windows. You will get answers to many of your questions.
Oct 27, 2021 |
Is it legal to use hackintosh? Have you heard anything about Hackintosh? If you are interested in using Mac OS but cannot afford Mac devices, you should probably know whether hackintosh in legal or not.
Oct 27, 2021 |
Should I learn Python first or C++? If you do not know whether to learn Python or C ++ first, we will help you choose one for beginners in this article with tips from both programming languages.
Oct 26, 2021 |
How can I test my Android app? If you have designed and developed the application you want to do a manual test or automated test it and then submit it, read this article which includes methods for testing Android and iOS apps.
Oct 26, 2021 |