< / LinearLayout>">
7- To be able to define two constants, the content of the res/values / strings.xml file is as follows:
8- The contents listed below are also AndroidManifest.xml contents:
9- Run the myapplication program.
10- You must connect your mobile device to the computer beforehand.
11- To be able to run the program from Eclipse, we must open one of the program activity files and click Run on it.
12- Then we are faced with a window that it is better to choose our mobile device.
13- Then, we click on the call button. After clicking on it, we will see that it starts calling.
1- To get the phone number from the user to call it, we need to create an EditText so that the user can enter the phone number he wants.
2- Then, we send the phone number received from the user to ACTION_Dial to perform the call operation.
3- We created a project in Android Studio ( in French: Développement Android Studio ) called PhoneCall-Gsm so that we can make this call through Intents.
4- Necessary changes should be made in the Layout section of the project.
5- Add a Phone tool from the PlainText section to your project.
6- It is better to insert PhoneText as the idea title of this tool.
7- We must add a button to our application layer.
8- Now, it is time to make changes in the Java coding section. 9- In this case, we must introduce Phone, EditText, and Button to the program.
10- We value them using the onCreate () method.
11- Consider a Listener event for the button.
In the code above, we use the getText () toString () methods to convert the number that the user enters a string and pass it to the number adder.
12- The complete codes that should be in the MainActivity section are as follows.
13- We will implement the project.
14- After running the program, we enter the number.
15- Then, we click on the button to make the call.
In this way, it is possible to set up the possibility of making a call in Android apps development, and after receiving the phone number from the user and clicking the call button, the desired number can be called.
1- We create a new and empty project and put the codes inserted below it.
2- Then, we must put the necessary libraries and dependencies inside the project.
3- In Android Studio, select Firebase from the Tools section, then click Save and retrieve data.
4- Connect to Firebase and select Add the Realtime Database to your app.
5- Go to the Firebase console and make the necessary changes there.
6- The following codes are for user login:
On the login page, the user must select a username and password. The tab can be moved to the video call page.
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