How Much Gaming Is Too Much for your kid?
5 minute(s) read
Published on: Apr 14, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
We will talk about the answer to the question, which tells how much gaming is appropriate for your child. If you are also curious to know more about this, follow us to the end of the article.
Playing has become one of the children's pastimes today. Today, with the development of gaming technologies and their availability to all people, playing for children has become one of the most important parts of life. Many children are addicted to playing and cannot relax during the day without that. As a parent, you may be wondering how much gaming during the day is good for your child and how much it can damage your child's brain and ability. We will talk to you about this and tell you how games can affect your child if left unchecked and how they can overshadow some of his or her skills. Note that the game should be a means to prepare the child to enter the adult world, but unfortunately, we see in many online games that the world they show in their games is very aggressive and violent, which cannot happen in this world. These games increase the spirit of aggression in children and can cause mental and physical damage to them. As a parent, in addition to knowing how many hours gaming in a day is appropriate for your child, you should help them buy and use games appropriate for their age and mood.
How much gaming during the day is suitable for playing computer games?
Note that games can have benefits such as improving a child's motor skills, improving the child's reaction time, and adapting his or her academic activities. Still, many scientists have found that playing too much can disrupt a child's social abilities and behavior. Many Spanish researchers have tried to research the appropriate hours for children to play. Many have found that skills improvements such as motor skills and reaction time can be achieved by playing eight hours a week, but children who play more than nine hours a week, playing with games can lead to personality and social disorders, which can be a matter of concern. As a result, one to nine hours of play per week is appropriate for children who are between the age of seven to eleven, but more than that is harmful to children's health. So, in answer to how many hours gaming is suitable, you can have the answer one to nine hours a week. There have been many experiments in the field of the effects of games on children, all of which show that excessive play of children with games will hurt their minds.
What are the disadvantages of playing too much with games for children?
Once you've figured out how much playing is enough during the day, it's a good idea to know some of the disadvantages of playing games so that you can manage your children if this is necessary. One of these losses is behavioral losses that cause the child to be isolated and embarrassed and further affect his social behavior. In the event of happening any of these, try to take appropriate action. In addition to paying attention to these points, if your child is overweight, try to manage the amount of playing with games for him because fat children are more at risk. Also, playing too much with games can damage your child's tendon, so if you notice any pain in your child's hand, be sure to take appropriate action and reduce your child's playing time with games. One of the undeniable cases in which games are considered harmful is the decrease in visual acuity in children. In general, electronic monitors have a great impact on your child's vision, so try to reduce the effect of monitors on your child's eyes by managing your child's playing hours.
How can I prevent my child from becoming addicted to games?
The first step to prevent your child from becoming addicted to gaming is managing playing for a few hours of play a day. Note that one of the most important things you can do to help prevent your child from becoming addicted to games is never introduce children under the age of three to games. These children need to interact with the real world to learn different skills in this world. Addiction of children under the age of three to games causes them to lag in learning vital skills, which can cause irreparable damage to them. Children at this age should play with tangible and real toys, and playing them with games will hurt the development of their minds, so try to take these things seriously. Tell your child how much time he or she has to play to prevent him or her from becoming addicted. Set an alarm clock for him and tell him that whenever the clock rings, he should stop playing and engage in other activities. Try to set different rewards for him to encourage him to reduce playing games as much as possible during the day. Also, try to have different entertainments for him at home so that he can give up games and engage in other more exciting activities. Games are very popular today, and this subconscious has led many children from an early age to turn to play these games. In this article, we tried to talk to you about how many hours of gaming in a day is appropriate for your child.
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