Who is the father of digital marketing?
7 minute(s) read
Published on: Oct 24, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
Philip Cutler is the father of global marketing.
Dr. Philip Cutler, born May 27, 1931, in Chicago, USA, is now recognized as the father of modern marketing worldwide. In addition to being known as the father of marketing, he has the most titles of reference books for management and marketing principles. They have presented about 34 books and more than 100 articles in this field, including important and valuable points in digital management and marketing. Many of his articles and books have been translated and used in other languages worldwide. One of his most important books, which is still sold worldwide, is Principles of Marketing.
Dr. Philippe Cutler initially taught as an economist but eventually turned to market in 1996 and wrote a book on the subject. The first book written and published by Dr. Cutler was Marketing Management Sat, published in 1967.
Marketing from the perspective of Philip Cutler
What is marketing? Dr. Philip Cutler, the father of modern marketing science in the world, defines in his book advertising Meditation that: Marketing is an administrative and social process through which and using many individuals and groups to get what they need. They get.
What is Segmentation?
Cutler as the father of marketing, and Amstrang as the author of advertising Management, believe that segmentation in marketing means that you cannot achieve an equal level of customer satisfaction. For this reason, to achieve the highest level of audience satisfaction, we must define a target market.
The target market is also a set of buyers who have common needs and characteristics. In the meantime, the company decides to meet all the needs of people who are almost the same and meet their needs.
What is Positioning?
According to Philip Cutler, the father of modern advertising in the world, Positioning allows your audience to see clearly and understand how you differ from the rest of your competitors. In other words, Positioning makes your differences and advantages over your competitors stand out. In other words, if you are a company that produces coffee, to show the difference between you and your other competitors, it is better to produce a product or product with quality and tell them that your products are very high quality. And once they experience it, they will enjoy it.
There are many types of marketing, says Dr. Cutler. The different types of marketing from the perspective of the father of modern world advertising science are as follows:
In one of the interviews, Dr. Cutler said that we have three types of advertising. Marketing products, customers, and the human spirit.
One of the marketing methods that many companies are currently using is marketing 1.0.
What is advertising 1.0?
Cutler says that every effort is made to reach the customer's mind in this type of marketing. Some companies that use this type of marketing try to influence the customer's mind. Companies that do this well can achieve better results and better returns. Using this marketing method and impact on the customer's mind can be successful if you provide quality products to the customer. You will undoubtedly be able to access the results you want.
What is advertising 2.0?
According to Philip Cutler, in one of the interviews for other marketing methods, rejecting other marketing methods, companies want to know the people to whom they sell their products. In this way, companies try to have a good and complete knowledge of the people to whom they sell their products. In this case, they can use the data collected about people and buyers to examine their needs and then have more detailed plans to increase their satisfaction. In this marketing method, company owners first examine the databases related to their customers and then take measures to increase customer satisfaction according to the data and the results obtained from their analysis and analysis. Give.
What is advertising 3.0?
Finally, another modern marketing method proposed by Dr. Philip Cutler, the father of modern marketing in the world, is the third type and advertising 3.0. Dr. Philippi Cutler says that this type of marketing is one of the complete types that even a very limited number of companies use. In this type of marketing, in addition to the needs and interests of dying in the production and provision of products and services are considered, but also economic conditions, crises, and environmental problems are considered. In the use of this type of marketing, the owners of the companies also consider the fact that people may not have good economic conditions, and, in addition, the current environmental situation is unsatisfactory. In this type of advertising used by a smaller number of companies, increasing sales and revenue is not targeted.
But the people's problems are also targeted, and the owners of companies and businesses are looking to improve the situation and crisis of the people along with providing different types of services and producing the properties they need and need.
Cutler says that many companies today use the 1.0 advertising method, which seeks to increase sales and revenue by using the mind-blowing method. Of course, Cutler's advice as the father of world marketing science is not to suddenly change the method and type of advertising, and he says that to use the 3.0 marketing method, it is better to do it step by step.
David Aguilar is the father of marketing in the world.
It should be noted that theories about modern marketing can change every ten years, but if you, like David Aguilar, another father of advertising science, think that the theories you have worked on may be used for centuries.
Fifteen years have passed since the death of the father of world marketing, yet all his theories can still be used today.
Here are some important advertising tips from David Aguileo in World Marketing:
1- The customer is not stupid:
Aglivi has announced for business owners in previous years that the customer is smarter than you think. Today, more than 70% of customers search the Internet before making a purchase and then make the final purchase.
2- Advertisements should have more useful information:
Blogs and developed sites or even social networking applications ( in Slovak: vyvinuté stránky alebo dokonca aplikácie sociálnych sietí ) provide information and data to customers for free can be better than other business owners. In this case, if the customer sees that you provide information to them for free, he will be encouraged to cooperate with you or even buy from you because there are many people who want to get some information for free. Based on statistics, it can be said that businesses that have a website or account on social networks and provide information to individuals for free are more successful than other businesses.
3- Smart branding:
To become a famous and popular brand, you must adopt some strategies or strategies. In this way, Coca-Cola could not remain just a simple drink, but he became a powerful and famous brand by spending money and implementing some useful strategies. So, to be branded and known, in addition to spending money, you also must have specific strategies and programs.
The two people I introduced in this article are some of the greatest and most famous fathers of modern advertising science globally. They offer some strategies for success and advancing the goals of business owners.
If you want to improve your business and increase your sales, it is better to use the books written by these two myths and the father of advertising.
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