DotNek software and app development - Security Blog
Who is the number 1 hacker in the world? The number of hackers around the world is increasing day by day, and in the following, we will introduce the best hacker in the world.
Aug 21, 2021 |
Social media security and privacy trustworthiness Today, a lot of information is exchanged through social networks, which if you do not pay attention to their security, you may lose your privacy, we have dealt with it in more detail below.
Aug 20, 2021 |
Security in cloud computing. How to keep it secure? One of the most important topics in the field of security is cloud computing, which in this article we are going to explain about security.
Aug 20, 2021 |
Can you hack into someone’s TikTok? One of the social networks that has a lot of fans these days is TikTok, which in this article we are going to introduce the methods of hacking this social network.
Aug 20, 2021 |
Influence of cyber-attacks on a company or an organization Different companies and organizations do their best to increase the security of their system against cyber attacks, we have discussed the impact of these attacks.
Aug 18, 2021 |
How do hackers make income? One of the ways to earn a lot of money is to raise information about hacking and activities in this area, which we will discuss in the following ways that hackers can earn money.
Aug 16, 2021 |
Why is malware protection important? One of the threats that worries different people is the risk of malware infection, which we will explain the reasons why it is important to protect systems against these cases.
May 06, 2021 |
What is the best app for security? There are many ways to increase the security of different systems, one of which is to use different applications, which we have introduced the best apps in this field.
May 06, 2021 |
What does GDPR stand for? In order to be able to protect your system against security threats, you need to increase your awareness in this area, which is why we have introduced the types of these types of threats.
May 06, 2021 |
What are the types of Internet security threat? In order to be able to protect your system against security threats, you need to increase your awareness in this area, which is why we have introduced the types of these types of threats.
May 06, 2021 |
What are the different security threats? System security may be affected by a variety of issues called security threats, and in this article we have introduced different types of them.
May 05, 2021 |
Is it possible to hack online games in Android with a cheat engine? These days there are many users who spend hours playing online games and most of them are willing to cheat or hack in an iOS or Android online game. Here is the hacking methods.
May 05, 2021 |
Is free antivirus safe? Antiviruses are provided to users for free or for a monthly fee, and we have examined the level of security that free versions can provide
May 05, 2021 |
Does SQL injection still work in 2021? One of the methods that hackers use to steal information from different users is SQL injection, which we intend to examine in the following, whether it is still used in 2021 or not.
Apr 27, 2021 |
How can SQL injection be prevented? One of the types of cyber attacks is SQL injection, which in this article we intend to examine the available ways to protect the system against these attacks.
Apr 27, 2021 |
Is free antivirus good enough? There are several ways to increase the security of systems and information in them, one of which is the use of antivirus, which we will examine in the following free antivirus.
Apr 27, 2021 |