DotNek software and app development - Security Blog
Who are green hat hackers? What are the characteristics of green hat hackers? There are different types of hackers with different goals, and in this article we are going to examine green hat hackers and their personality.
Apr 24, 2021 |
What would happen if someone accidentally clicks on a suspicious link? One of the ways that hackers use to infect users's systems is infected links, which we will discuss in the following, what happens when you click on these items.
Apr 24, 2021 |
How secure is the website? Very important information is transmitted through websites every day, which has led users to check the security of various websites, which we will discuss in more detail below.
Apr 23, 2021 |
Is Bitdefender good for Windows and is it for free? There are many antiviruses to use in the market, each of which has both positive and negative features, we have reviewed Bitdefender below.
Apr 23, 2021 |
Which one is better? Avast or McAfee? Two of the most popular antivirus in the market are Avast and McAfee, which in this article we are going to compare the two so you can make the best choice.
Apr 23, 2021 |
Which one is better? Avast or AVG From the hundreds of antiviruses available, in this article we are going to compare Avast and AVG so that you can choose the best one.
Apr 23, 2021 |
Do Android phones need antivirus? Android operating system is very popular, so the level of security of this operating system is very important for users who continue to use antivirus on Android phones We pay.
Apr 22, 2021 |
What are the 3 types of viruses? Hackers use different methods to access different users' systems, one of which is viruses, which we have introduced in the following three types.
Apr 22, 2021 |
What is the best antivirus for Windows 10? There are several different antivirus programs for different operating systems and Windows, and in this article we are going to introduce the best antivirus for Windows 10.
Apr 22, 2021 |
Which one is better? McAfee or Norton There are many antiviruses on the market, among which we are going to compare McAfee and Norton so that you can easily choose between the two.
Apr 21, 2021 |
Review McAfee as an antivirus. Is it good or bad? One of the most popular antivirus among users is McAfee, which in this article we intend to further investigate this issue and express the pros and cons about it.
Apr 21, 2021 |
Do you need antivirus in 2021? There has been a lot of progress in the field of security these days, and in this article we want to examine whether, despite all this, there is still a need to use antivirus or not.
Apr 21, 2021 |
Which language is the main target of cross-site scripting? One of the types of cyber-attacks is cross-site scripting. In this article, we have introduced the programming language that is the main target of this attack.
Apr 12, 2021 |
What is the best free antivirus? One of the ways to increase the security of systems is to use antivirus, which we have introduced in the following, some of the best free antivirus that you can easily use.
Apr 12, 2021 |
What is the best antivirus for Google Chrome? One of the most popular browsers among users is Google Chrome, which in this article we have introduced the best antivirus for this browser.
Apr 12, 2021 |
What is privacy and security in ICT? Security is an issue that is very important, especially in Information and communication technology, which we will discuss in more detail below.
Apr 12, 2021 |