DotNek software and app development - Security Blog
Can someone hack your phone by texting you? There is a lot of confidential information in different people's phones, which we will discuss in the following, whether hackers can destroy your security by sending text.
Apr 02, 2021 |
How can servers get hacked? One of the main goals of hackers is to hack servers, because in this way they can access important information, which we will introduce in the following hacking methods.
Apr 02, 2021 |
How is it possible to know if someone is phishing us? One of the most common methods of hacking is phishing, which in this article we are going to talk about the signs that you can see that your system has been attacked.
Apr 02, 2021 |
Is it possible to secure data on the web? The data on the web is constantly threatened by hackers, which is why we intend to examine the methods available to secure the data on the web so that you can maximize security.
Apr 02, 2021 |
What are injection attacks? One of the most common methods of hacking among hackers is injection attacks, which you need to raise your awareness about this attack to be able to provide more security for your data.
Apr 02, 2021 |
What turns email into phishing? One of the methods that hackers use to steal information from users' systems is phishing, which we have discussed in this article.
Apr 01, 2021 |
Which hat hacker is the best? There are different types of hackers, each of which has different characteristics, and in this article we are going to examine which one of the hackers is the best.
Apr 01, 2021 |
Why is security so important? And Why do we need security? There is a lot of information being exchanged on the Internet, which is why the security of this information is so important, which we will discuss the reasons for this importance below.
Mar 31, 2021 |
Who are blue hat hackers? What are the characteristics of blue hat hackers? One of the various types of hackers that are operating around the world is blue hat hackers, which we intend to further explore in relation to their goals and characteristics.
Mar 24, 2021 |
Who is responsible for website security? Website security is a very important issue that for many people may be the question of who is responsible for maintaining the security of the site, which we have discussed below.
Mar 24, 2021 |
Who is the best hacker in the world? What are the characteristics of the hacker? Hackers have different types, each with different goals, in this article we intend to introduce the best hackers and also express their personality traits.
Mar 24, 2021 |
Which app can hack any game in Android? Do you want to hack any Android Game apps in action? You definitely need a cheating app or game hacking tools in order to cheat as a gamer. We listed some ANDROID GAME HACKING APPS here.
Mar 22, 2021 |
What happens if you open a phishing email? One of the methods that hackers use to gain access to the information of different users is phishing. In the following, we will examine what happens when opening these types of emails.
Mar 22, 2021 |
What are phishing examples? One of the most common methods of cyber attacks among hackers is phishing, which we have given examples of these attacks so that you can raise your awareness.
Mar 22, 2021 |
How do hackers hack WhatsApp account? WhatsApp is one of the most popular social networks among users, which has caused more hackers to pay attention to its hacking, which we will discuss in more detail below.
Mar 22, 2021 |
How do hackers hack Instagram? These days, Instagram is very popular among various users, as a result of which a lot of information is being exchanged, which we have introduced in the following hacking methods.
Mar 22, 2021 |