DotNek software and app development - Security Blog
Why is data security so important? Information being the critical asset, data security solutions to protect against cyber-attacks that imperil company data, assets, finances, and reputation.
Apr 06, 2022 |
Why is computer security important nowadays? Nowadays, cyberattacks are so ordinary people use the internet for many things; that's why computer security is a vital part of a secure and well-ordered digital world.
Apr 06, 2022 |
What security do I need for my laptop? The threats of virus infection to your laptops is important. protecting your laptop secure can help you avoid malware and hackers to steal your data.
Apr 06, 2022 |
What is the security of a web application? The global nature of the web exposes applications and websites to external attacks by hackers. refers to a range of processes, technologies, or strategies for shielding net servers, web applications, and their services
Apr 06, 2022 |
10 Zoom hacks to get the best out of your online meetings Taking advantage of a Zoom session can entertain us and facilitate things, or they might sometimes save the day. Next time you have a meeting, make sure to pull off some of these feasible tips.
Apr 05, 2022 |
What is Aimbot Hack? Aimbot refers to game hack or software cheating in games that lets users to automatically shoot to the players in games. It has been quite popular amongst competitor.
Apr 04, 2022 |
Should I use a free antivirus? Free antivirus is better than ever; you get only essential malware prevention and removal with these programs. Paid antivirus solutions provide extra privacy protection features and cover every angle of your digital life.
Apr 04, 2022 |
How important is security? Security for data technology refers to the strategies in personnel accustomed to defending an organization's digital assets. IT security aims to shield these assets, devices or exploiting unauthorized users.
Apr 04, 2022 |
What are the four major types of firewalls? A firewall is a software that prevents unauthorized access to a network and monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic.
Apr 04, 2022 |
How do hackers use social media? Social media is all about sharing; it's all data that has value to someone. Hacking into social networks needs some technical skill so hackers can use your personal data easily.
Apr 04, 2022 |
What are the top 10 cyber security threat? security threats are malicious actions that goal to corrupt or steal important information or throw into confusion an organization's systems.
Apr 04, 2022 |
Can you be hacked with antivirus? Hackers are criminals who gain unauthorized access to a network and devices, you'll shield your computers by victimization antivirus.
Apr 03, 2022 |
Can free antivirus be trusted? Antivirus software comes to protecting your system against threats. Free Antivirus scans your device for common viruses, harmful files, and apps, removing any malicious.
Apr 03, 2022 |
How do I put security on my apps? Application security is one of the most important concerns of users in today's digital world; in this regard, we will learn some techniques to improve the security of our apps.
Apr 03, 2022 |
Five ways to improve your information security in 2021 security breaches in businesses worldwide square measure touch the news.These attacks highlight the vulnerability of information and also the lack of strong security ways in organizations of all sizes.
Apr 03, 2022 |
Are virus attacks increasing in frequency? Year on year, the amount of recent malware variants is oscillatory. The amount of internet sites containing malware has been systematically on top of 100,000.
Apr 03, 2022 |