Best Hacking tools Hackers Use to Spy on You
8 minute(s) read
Published on: Aug 29, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
Today, Android is one of the operating systems that is very popular and has many fans. For this reason, some profiteers may want to spy on this popular and popular operating system. This operating system is so widely used that it has more capabilities and possibilities. For this reason, it is known as one of the most popular operating systems for mobile devices. In this article, we want to tell you how to infiltrate and spy ( in French: comment infiltrer et espionner ) on this operating system.
Introducing suitable programs to spy on the Android operating system rejection of mobile devices
It is worth mentioning that today, with the advancement of technology, some many suitable programs and applications can be downloaded, installed, and used by Google Play for various purposes. We also want to include several programs in this article. We will mention the suitable applications for spying and infiltrating the Android operating system and introduce them to you.
1- The right program to take a secret photo using Spy Camera OS:
You may have circumstances that you want to take a secret photo or record a video. In this case, our suggestion for you is the Spy Camera OS app. Download it from Google Play and install it on your Android operating system so that you can take a secret photo using this app. The working process of this spy application is such that your phone takes a secret photo while working that no one will notice.
2- Hearing sounds in other rooms using the Ear app:
You may be in a room where you are in another room and want to hear another room and spy, in this case, with the development of application technology. These Specially designed satellites can be used to easily hear other rooms. Of course, it should be noted that to record sounds, even if the sound is very low, this app can easily listen to the sounds and record them in high quality for you. The process of this app is to place your phone in another room and connect to it via Bluetooth and listen to the sounds that are in another room. This way, the app can receive weak sounds, amplify them, and send them to you via Bluetooth after amplifying those weak sounds.
3- Control different types of cameras remotely by using the Ip Cam Viewer app:
Using this application, they can detect DVR cameras, IP cameras, traffic cameras on the streets, CCTV cameras remotely, and control and manage them.
4- Automatic recording of calls using Automatic Call Recorder:
Another of the best spy applications that can be installed on the Android operating system of your mobile device is the Automatic Call Recorder app, which can be used when you make a call. You can automatically record all conversations of all incoming calls. The process of this program is such that whenever you make a phone call or receive a phone call, this program will be launched automatically and will record all your conversations. Of course, in addition to phone calls, it will also record other sounds around you.
5- Ability to control messages using the Monitor Call Sms Location app
Another best application that you can use is the Monitor Call Sms Location app to control and manage text messages, photos, contact reports, and Places are used. Using this application, you can find the device's exact location even if GPS is disabled. It is worth mentioning that if you download and install this app, you can use the first three days for free.
6- Find all different types of apps installed on the system using Anti Spying Mobile:
If you have spy apps installed on your system and cannot find them, this application can Find spyware for you using some advanced technology. So, you can download and install this app to protect all spy apps that you have installed on your Android operating system.
7- Identity who has touched my phone using the Hidden Eye app:
At times when you may want to know who has touched your phone, in this case, you can use the Hidden Eye app to be able to Identify who touched your phone while you were away. This program secretly takes pictures of people when they want to enter their phone password.
8- Select a password for your phone using AppLock:
When you want to lock your phone or choose different types of locks and passwords for it, you can choose this app to encrypt it to secure your phone. Using this top, you can easily choose different PINs, patterns, code, and fingerprint passwords. Of course, it is worth mentioning that using this application for various apps and applications of the device's operating system, Facebook, Whatsapp, Gallery, Messenger, SMS, Contacts, Gmail, Settings, Encrypt incoming calls.
9- Truecaller: Caller ID & Dialer:
Using this application, they can check all the numbers that call you, check it if the number is unknown, and if necessary, check it. Block.
10- Tracking the location of the phone using Cell Tracker:
To track your phone, you can use this application to be able to identify the location of your phone. Of course, by using this application, you can also check the places you have been there recently to find the location of your phone.
11- Hiding some contacts or contacts using Secret Calls:
There may be situations where you want to hide your contacts or their contacts. Using this application, you can select your desired contact and select him as a private contact and make all security settings ( in German: Sicherheitseinstellungen) and hide or personalize. Messages and contacts with that contact will be automatically hidden after you make calls.
12- A widely used app called Spying Camera:
Using this application, you can do many things you want. In this case, you can install this app on the operating system of your phone device, and when you do not have access to your phone and want to know its location, they can use this widely used and useful app. In this case, if you do not have access to your phone, you can send a text message to your phone, in which case a photo will be automatically taken from the camera in front of your phone and sent to you.
13- Identifying unknown and annoying numbers by using Whoscall - Caller ID application:
If some annoying numbers call you or cause you annoyance through calls, you can use this app to call them. Blacklist and block. They can also identify those numbers. In addition, the top can detect all unknown numbers before it can block them.
14- Hiding pictures and videos using the Smart Hide Calculator application:
This is one of the programs and applications that you can use to hide all the pictures and videos you want by using this app. This app's initial image and appearance is a calculator that opens another page by pressing the hide button, where you can hide your favorite files.
15- Record videos using the Background Video Recorder app:
You can use this app to record everything that happens far away from you in the background of the phone, but this app can capture the sound of the camera shot. And no one will be able to record my NP movie, and no one will notice.
16- Possibility to control children through parents using the Kids Place app:
One of the apps used to control parents is the Kids Place app. Parents can use this app to control and manage their children. This app can even be used to track a phone. With this top, you can easily check and control all processes such as calls, text messages, Internet browsers.
17- Norton Family parental control app:
Another application that you can use to spy on phones, or in other words, parents can use their children to control their children, is the Norton Family parental control app. With this app, in addition to setting some restrictions for the performance of people on phones.
In this article, I have introduced some suitable apps for spying, controlling, and managing mobile devices on Android operating systems. Still, you should note that in addition to these apps, spy apps, and apps, There are other controls that we have mentioned in this article only a few of them.
Most of the apps we introduced are free, and you can easily download and install them through Google Play. All the apps we have introduced are available on Google Play, which means that these apps are highly secure and can be downloaded and installed safely on your system.
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