Can I hack GTA?
8 minute(s) read
Published on: Sep 12, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
GTA game is another very popular game among users and has so far attracted many store downloads and has been downloaded and installed by many gamers and users. The number of hackers or people who want to cheat and win this game also increases. We want to tell you how to hack, infiltrate or cheat in a GTA game in this article.
Like other games and apps developed, this game has a PC version and a mobile version, and gamers can play this game both on their computer system and on their phones, but there is a point. That professional gamers use more of the computer system to play. For the same reason, there is a secret code for cheating in two versions of this game, for the mobile version and the computer version.
Secret codes to cheat GTA for PC games
Below we have provided all the secret codes that you can easily use in the PC version of the GTA game.
- INCENDIARY code with floating bullet function
- HIGHEX code with blast attack function
- SKYDIVE code with parachute function
- FLOATER code with moon gravity reducing function
- LIQUOR code with drunkenness creation function
- POWERUP code with the function of recharging abilities and skills
- SLOWMO code by pressing three times in a row with slow-motion function
- SKYFALL code with free-fall function from the sky
- BANDIT code with the function of using BMX bikes
- COMET code with the function of using a two-door machine
- ROCKET code with the function of using PCJ-600 engine - OFFROAD code with the function of using the Sanchez Dirt engine
- RAPIDGT code with dual machine performance in Rapid GT
- VINEWOOD code with the function of using a limousine
- TRASHED code with the function of using the waste machine
- BUZZOFF code with the function of using a helicopter
- BARNSTORM code with the function of using Stunt aircraft
- DEADEYE code by pressing and entering three times in a row with slow-motion function
- PAINKILLER code with invincibility function
- TURTLE code with the function of increasing the amount of life and health and the number of weapons
- CATCHME code with fast running function
- FUGITIVE code with the function of increasing the number of stars that are wanted and commented
- LAWYERUP code with the function of reducing the number of stars that are wanted and commented
- MAKEITRAIN code with weather change function
- SNOWDAY code with the function of creating, controlling, and managing slip machines
- HOLEIN1 code with golf machine function
- FLYSPRAY code with air purifier function
- HOTHANDS code with the function of using the ability of firm kicking punches
- GOTGILLS code with the ability to swim fast
GTA was a game released in the early 2000s, initially in a position where the camera angle was from the top, using a shooter and a gamer to shoot and play with it. In the early versions of this game, which was released in 2000, its features and capabilities were very limited. Even the way of driving cars was not professional. Since then and from that version to the present, the GTA game has improved a lot, and by presenting its updated versions, it has attracted many gamers and users.
Another thing about the very popular GTA game is that there is no female character in any of its versions, even the updated versions. These female characters do not have female characters in the main character and sub-characters. There are some rumors about this issue that may be included in the GTA6 version of female characters and characters in the game. Of course, it is better to say that in some versions of this game, this choice is left to the user rather than the gamer and the user himself to choose whether he wants to choose a female character or a man. But these options and choices do not exist in the recently updated versions of this game.
In this game, which is in the early stages, you can see an alien creature that is frozen. In the early stages of the game, Michael, Brad, and Trevor plays in these early stages. These players take you to an area that is a railroad area. If you do not follow these players and disobey their orders, turn left, and go under the bridge, stopping the car and getting out of it, you will see an unknown alien creature that is frozen.
After that, if you go to Franklin's house in the Vinewood area and look at the library in the reception and open it, you can easily zoom in to see the titles of the books written. There is a book on the right side of the library called Red Dead, which is a very clear reference to the world of Western 2010, and this also shows that the company that created this popular game is Red Dead Redemption. It is worth noting that the author of this book is also called J. Marston, which may be the player's name and the main character of the game, John Marston.
At the end of the game, there are several possibilities, and possibilities and options 1 and 2 say that Franklin may kill Michael or assassinate him. But there is another possibility that the number 3 also says that the story's three main features will survive until the end. Still, using some secret codes, they have realized that Franklin's character will be destroyed in this option, and another person and character with the name Lamar Davis will be added to the game.
The personal car in this game, also called Canis Bohdi, can refer to the negative character in the movie Point Break, which was produced in 1991. This negative character is called Bohdi, and he was a bank robber. That person works with a group of boatmen who have a Kaiser M715 that. The Kaiser M715 also refers to the car that the Trevor in this game rides. Another interesting thing about this car and this negative character is that Bohdi is the name of Mr. Steven Oggs' son, who is the voice of Trevor in the game.
Another interesting point is that each person's sleep time is different, and if you look at it, you will see that Michael's character sleeps for 6 hours, Franklin sleeps for about 8 hours, and Terror's character sleeps for about 12 hours.
The company that designed and developed the game ( in Slovak: hru navrhol a vyvinul ) says that the game is played by three different players, and that is why there are three different characters in the game. Michael's character plays the role of a retired criminal and can symbolize some of the players who could not finish the game.
Franklin's character also reflects traditional players who have ambitious personalities. Franklin is an open and ambitious person who, in addition to being ambitious, also likes to learn the business and become a successful criminal. Assassination, which is another character in the game, is a symbol of a person and a player who likes to use more freedom and enjoyment.
The voice actors and characters of this game are closely related, for example, Shawn Fonteno, who plays the voice of Franklin in GTA, Young Mayley, the real cousin of Carl Johnson (CJ) in GTA: San Andreas.
If you go about 500 feet underwater on the beach of Sandy Shore, you will find a hatch that is like the hatch that existed in the Lost series. Even if you swim up and down this valve, you will hear some sounds that sound like beats. The very interesting point is that the sound of these beats is secretly encoded, and if you have encoded the sound of these beats, you will encounter this message: Hello, why don't you ring? Would we like to go bowling?
You may even be familiar with this message after decryption.
In this article, we tried to tell you some of the gaps from the popular GTA game so that you can use them to do some of the things you want to do easily. Of course, we also entered some secret codes so that you can use them and use the existing and hidden capabilities in this game.
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