Does Windows 10 have a built-in antivirus?
7 minute(s) read
Published on: Dec 12, 2021
Updated on: Mar 12, 2022
As you know, the Windows 10 operating system has an anti-Windows called Windows Defender, which is very good. In any series of updates is more advanced and can increase system security. This antivirus or security software can run in the background of Windows and can protect all the data in the system against various types of malware and viruses. And it has a better performance. After its new update with Security Center, this Antivirus has provided various types of access to data protection tools, systems, personal files, firewall settings, device performance, some health reports, and browser security controls.
What is Windows Defender?
Suppose you wonder what Defender is and what it can do in general. In that case, it is worth noting that Microsoft has developed a standalone antivirus program for all operating systems such as Windows, XP, Vista, etc. It has designed its security and dealt with various types of viruses and malware, which is called Microsoft Security Essentials. The same security program was renamed Windows Defender after Windows 8 was integrated. It is worth noting that this security software, which was used to increase the security of systems, could work well and perform well in detecting different types of malware and viruses. Of course, it is also worth noting that this Antivirus cannot work well compared to other antiviruses and protect your data and system, but it still has advantages. In this case, Defender is non-invasive and can control everything that happens in the background and, after managing them, does not allow it until it disturbs the user and causes him annoyance.
What are the benefits of a Defender?
- You can enjoy the ability to scan data
It should be noted that like other antivirus and security software ( in Slovak: antivírusový a bezpečnostný softvér), It can check and scan the heart to perform an action or download a file or transfer it to an external, and therefore Even when using Defender Antivirus, your Windows operating system, you can have the option of scanning data and files. Use Defender to increase the security of your system and deal with various types of malware, do not worry about malware anymore. Because when Defender detects malware on your system, it will notify you via a pop-up and then immediately, without asking if you want to remove it through other security software, remove the malware itself. After diagnosis, it destroys and quarantines it.
- You can have the ability to automate actions and Defender notifications
When using it, you may sometimes see a window that shows you how to scan different data types. Even if Defender can detect malware and detect it on your system, a notification screen will be shown to you for information. Without asking you whether you want to do something or not, it will act and take the necessary steps to eliminate quarantine it.
It is also important to note that the Defender update process depends on the Windows system's full update, and when Windows is updated, Defender will undoubtedly be updated immediately. So, you no longer need to worry about updating it, and with the firmware update, you will be able to update it.
- You can see the history of scans and quarantines
This feature is also available so you can also access your Defender scan history and actions. In this way, you can see the scan history in detail, even if the announcement is related to them and is blocked. To open this Antivirus Security Center, you can type the word defender in the Start menu and search. After that, you can also select Defender Security Center. There is a tab called Defender that you can select and then click on the Scan history link in this section. This page can display all the information and details about the current threats and information about the latest scans. Even if you want to see all the information about the scans, you can click on See full history. In this section, you will see all the information about blocking, quarantining, and actions performed by the Defender.
- Manual scanning can be done
Using Defender, you can also do a manual scan, so you can click on Quick Scan on the Defender home screen to perform manual scans through this button.
Of course, it is better to know that this Antivirus can work in real-time. Nits needs to do a manual scan when using this type of Antivirus because all the information is displayed to you automatically and in detail.
Of course, in addition to manual scans, there are various other types of scans that you can do. You can use three types of scans by clicking on Advanced scan.
1- Full scan:
It is worth noting that fast scanning can only scan your memory and other ridge locations, but a full scan can examine all files and scan them all accurately. Of course, it is also worth noting that a full scan can take about an hour or even longer.
2- Custom scan:
Using a custom scan, you will select a specific folder until you examine that folder. If you want to use a custom scan, select the desired folder and then right-click on them. Select the Scan with Windows Defender option.
3- Windows Defender Offline scan:
As you know, while Windows is running, it is not possible to remove some malware, but by selecting the offline scan, it restarts the system. Before the Windows operating system loads, they can easily take action. Do the necessary.
- Exceptions can be made for certain folders
In addition to selecting some folders to be scanned professionally, you can also select some not to be scanned. In this case, to select some folders that are an exception and not be scanned, you can scroll to the main screen of it and select the Virus & threat protection settings option. After selecting this option, you will have this feature to select the folders that you want to be an exception and not be scanned. After that, you can also click on Add or remove exclusions. This feature can be used in some situations where you are sure that a folder is safe, and if you allow it to scan it, it will slow down its performance. You can consider that folder for exceptional folders until Windows Defender considers them. Do not check and scan.
Or even if you use Jens machines, if you do not want some large files to be scanned, you can consider them as exception folders until Defender scans them because the process of scanning large files may take a long time. When you want to consider an exception for folders, you can exclude them by selecting the Add an exclusion option and selecting the folder.
Of course, it is important to know that by installing other antiviruses, Defender will be disabled, and if you delete other antiviruses installed on the system, Defender will be restarted. But keep in mind that if you install some security software such as anti-malware software on your system with Windows Defender can continue to work and take the necessary measures.
The result of this article is that when you use it, you want to be able to use its options for free, or you can use it to increase the security of your system. But if you want to increase the number of these options and be able to deal strongly with malware such as trojans, you can also install anti-malware software. Or you can install another powerful antivirus and use them. But in general, with Windows Update, this Antivirus is also updated and can better protect your system and data.
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