What is the most secure Linux?
8 minute(s) read
Published on: Jan 26, 2022
Updated on: Mar 01, 2022
One of the well-known operating systems in the computer world is Linux. This article will tell you what a Linux operating system is and what it does. Then, you will see some examples of the most secure Linux available today.
What is Linux?
Before explaining the Linux system, we need to know what the operating system means. An operating system manages the resources available in a device and provides the connection between hardware and software. The device can be a laptop, computer, mobile phone, modem, switch, and so on. It can be said that the main task of the operating system is to communicate between the user and the components of the electrical device. These interfaces help the user to easily use their computer or phone. Operating systems such as Windows, and Mac are now available on PCs and laptops. For mobile phones, it can be said that Android and iOS operating systems are among the most commonly used ones.
The term Linux has been known since 1984. If we want to describe it technically, we can say that it is introduced as the operating system's core. But on the other hand, some people say that Linux, known as the Penguin symbol, is also a kind of operating system like Windows. And the third category generally believes that is another name for Ubunto, and they are the same.
If we want to introduce the Linux operating system, we can say that the Linux operating system is one of the most powerful operating systems on the market, which is presented as open source. It is also especially popular among software engineers. To get acquainted with the operating system, you should know that the Unix operating system was developed in 1971 by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. It was an expensive operating system, and not all people could use it easily. So the system, which is very similar to Unix and its sub-branches, was chosen as the successor. In 1991, Torvalds Linux built the core of Linux. Many companies support the operating system.
What is a Linux-kernel?
In general, it can be said that every operating system has a kernel, and it is the interface between the software and hardware of the system; it can be said that the kernel is responsible for doing basic works. Linux is the lowest level of software components of a system, and if this part is damaged, other software will not be able to get used. One of the core functions is to connect system resources to other programs in the system.
What are the tasks of a operating system?
The most important tasks of the software kernel are the following:
- Data storage: Data storage is done in random access memory, either in permanent or virtual file systems.
- Computer network access
- Scheduling
- Use input and output tools such as a mouse, keyboard, webcam, and USB flash drive
- Security: This security can include the security of resources as well as various users and user groups.
What is the use of this?
Due to the open-source nature of the this program, the security of the operating system is very high. As a result, it is very useful for organizations that need a high level of security. This software is used as a popular operating system in networks and network environments. It can be said that 70% of the firewalls used in the world's networks use the operating system. Another application of Linux is its compatibility with Android, which is also used to increase the speed and performance of notebooks.
Most secure operating systems
- Oracle
This version of Unix has been developed since 1993 by Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle). Solaris was one of the first commercial versions of Unix until the introduction of open source and software. Solaris is still in use today, but Oracle does not seem to hope for its future, and many organizations are moving to Linux.
- Hp Ux
HP's implementation of the standard Unix V system is known as HP-UX, which was released in 1984 and is still used today in many enterprise environments.
IBM also released a special version of its corporate Unix in 1986, dedicated to its hardware. AIX represents a series of Unix commercial operating systems that were originally released for IBM workstations and now support a variety of hardware platforms. AIX is based on the Unix V system and has 4.3BSD compatible extensions like A HP-UX.
- NetBSD
Another important version of Unix released is NetBSD, which stands for Berkely Systems Distribution and is owned by Berkeley University. This version is the closest thing to this. Apple's macOS and iOS are based on the modified BSD kernel called Mach. Berkely Systems Distribution is also a free fork from BSD.
Famous distributions
To know more about Linux software, you need to know its famous distributions. The following distributions are among the most popular. Although the number of these distributions is very large, we will introduce only a few examples of them.
- RPM-based
RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, and SUSE are the most popular RPM distributions. Redhat / Centos distributions are one of the most popular operating systems for the server.
- Debian-based
we can mention the Debian distribution itself and the famous Ubuntu and Mint distributions, which are very suitable for home operating systems. Ubuntu Server is also one of the most powerful Linux distributions for server operating systems.
More secure distributions
Recently, with all the scandals leaked by WikiLeaks, backdoor involvement in popular free software projects (even on the Linux kernel) ordered by the NSA, government espionage, cybersecurity, the PRISM project, Edward Snowden confessions, etc., security and privacy have become vital.
- IprediaOS
A Linux-based operating system that provides anonymity and encryption of all Internet traffic thanks to the I2P network. This distribution can be found in the GNOME and LXDE graphical desktop environments.
- Liberté
It is a Gentoo-based distribution focused on security, performance, lightness, and ease of use. To run it via Pendrive or from an SD card, you can find it in the LiveUSB version. The famous Tor is one of the Internet communication networks in this field.
- Privatix
Another live distribution that Marcus Mandala has brought to us this time is Debian. This portable distribution has an efficient encryption system to encrypt communications for anonymous browsing.
- Tails
this is another distribution that specializes in privacy and anonymity. Using Tor and configuring it to block anonymous connections, you can navigate more easily. It also allows you to encrypt documents, emails, and instant messaging.
- Whonix
To be "completely" anonymous, you can use this Linux distribution like Debian. It uses the powerful Tor tool and prevents DNS filtering so that even root-rated malware cannot reveal the user's actual IP. All applications need to use Tor for the network.
What is a distribution?
Types of operating systems or Linux distributions (distro for short) is an operating system that consists of a set of software based on the Linux kernel and often a package management system. users usually get their operating system by downloading one of the Linux distributions. Linux distributes for a wide range of systems, from embedded devices (such as OpenWrt) and personal computers (such as Mint) to powerful supercomputers (e.g., Rocks Cluster distributions). Typical Linux distributions include the Linux kernel, GNU tools and libraries, additional software, documentation, a windows system, a window manager, and a desktop environment. Most of the available software includes free and open-source software that is binary compiled, and their source code is available that allows changes to the original software. distributions typically include optional proprietary software that may not be available as source code.
What are the benefits of a Linux operating system?
- It's free: Linux has an exceptional advantage over other operating because it is open source and available for free. Because there is no cost for the user.
- High security: Due to the open-source nature of Linux, many people use its security every day and block insecure holes.
- Linux fast
- Strong support
- No need to install drivers
- Multi-user
- Being light
- Flexibility
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