How to change the username and remove spam links from WordPress?
15 minute(s) read | Published on: Jul 25, 2021 Updated on: Dec 14, 2021 |
As you know, many users worldwide are interested in the WordPress system, and they are dealing with it. The developers of this system also do their best to regularly release new versions that have higher speed and security and can attract more user satisfaction compared to the previous ones.
WordPress has a big world that we have given information about it in various articles on our website. You can get help from it to master this field. In the following, we will examine the methods of changing the username and removing spam links.
WordPress, as you know, has a lot of fans who prefer to choose it from other options, and one of the reasons for this popularity is the simplicity of working with it and providing regular updates, all of which have led to an increasing number of users who work with this system.
Before we get into the article's main topic, we need to give you a brief explanation about WordPress itself.
What is WordPress?
In general, it is considered an open-source content system that is available for free to various users, and they can use it to launch a personal or commercial web. As we have mentioned above, this system is open source which means that web owners can get help from it to access its source code for viewing and modifying it.
How to change your WordPress username?
In some cases, you may want to change your WordPress username for various reasons, such as security reasons. Still, when you go to the edit section, you see that it is not possible to do this, but it should be mentioned that you can do it easily with the help of various available plugins.
- First, you need to go to Plugins> Add New, and then you have to search for "Username Changer" so that you can efficiently perform the following steps and achieve your desired goal.
- Once you have found the plugin, it is time to install it and finally click on "Activate Plugin."
- Now it is time to enter the "Users" section and select the "All Users" option.
- Select the user you want to change.
- Click on Edit.
It is necessary to click on the "Change Username" option at this stage.
- Enter the new username you intend to use.
Click on the "Save Username" button to save the new user you have entered.
To find out whether you have been able to implement your desired changes or not, you need to log in to "Users" and select the "All Users" option and check whether the difference you have made has occurred or not.
If you feel it would be better not to change your user again and feel that the plugin you have installed won't longer work for you, you can try to delete it so that it does not take up unnecessary space.
How to find & remove junk link injection in WordPress?
It is one of the most critical topics in WordPress, but before we get into this, you need to know what Spam URL link injection is to realize how to find and remove it.
What is a spam URL link injection?
Simply put, it is one of the most destructive activities performed by hackers to disrupt the security of your system, hackers use the top pages of your website, which is an act that ruins your system. They prefer to do this instead of trying their best to legally rank pages in search engine ranking to have the worst effects on your website.
One of the things that hackers do in this regard is to insert specific keywords that will damage your site in all the pages ranked in the SERP (search engine result pages).
In addition, they place hyperlinks on your site that redirect users to a spam website by clicking on them. This prevents users who have visited your site from gaining a positive user experience and makes them leave your website as soon as possible, which will increase your site bounce rate. They have a very negative impact on your website ranking on the Google search results page since Google also pays attention to users' time on the web. If they leave it immediately, Google will conclude that this website doesn't contain high-quality content, which will negatively impact its ranking. It is so essential to make the user satisfied. Still, if some hyperlinks don't let users spend time on the website, you will face a huge problem, which the hackers want.
Another step that hackers take to achieve their malicious goals is to create pages that can do profound damage to your web. It is interesting to know that they use this Spam URL link and send messages to your site users.
To understand this part better, it's better to look at the example given in the following.
The "style" attribute (inline CSS) was rendered in a browser. It converted into a display: none were visible anymore. The hackers decided to use this method as they think that the blog owner may not be aware that the links were inserted since they are not visible.
Google does not provide link credit to the links within a container having display: none. However, the hackers believe that the Google bot won't identify that this div is hidden because of the unnatural code.
The important thing that you realize by now, for sure, is that such links can have a very destructive effect on your SEO site, and Google will quickly notice the existence of such malicious links on your site.
As soon as Google notices this, it immediately blocklists your site and sends you an email indicating that there is malware on your site that could harm you as well as your users. As a result, you need to pay attention and if you see malware on your website, take the necessary security measures immediately.
Another action that the Google search engine takes is to send a message to users who visit your web, which warns them that they are entering a not secure site.
In addition to blocklisting your site, it may be Web host suspended, which, like Google, will send you a message to notify you.
Suppose neither Google nor your web host sends you a message, and you feel that your web is infected. In that case, you can get help from existing plugins, such as WordPress Security Plugin, which can help you realize whether your website is infected or not. Then you can take action to eliminate the items that make your web infected.
How to find and delete WordPress Junk Links Injections?
In general, finding spam links is not an easy task, and it is necessary to increase your information in this field to work with more awareness, which we will explain so that you can keep your web safe.
- Use TAC which stands for the Theme Authenticity Checker, one of the things that hackers use to embed junk links is theming, which you can use TAC to scan for malware.
As you know, to use some themes, you have to pay a fee, and some of them are available to users for free, but these paid themes can provide more security for site owners.
- Another item that you can use to find spam links is Exploit Scanner. This plugin is also handy for different scanning types of malware because it scans suspicious code in your files. Now imagine that there are a lot of files on your site. In this case, Exploit Scanner needs time as the process will take time.
- Imagine that you are going to investigate malicious items on your site while you do not have access to the admin. To be able to do this, you can use the following items.
•Virus Total:
It is one of the security websites you can use, created in 2004 by the Spanish security company Hispasec Sistemas and has many fans.
•Unmask Parasites:
This is a security service that you can use for free to scan the pages of your site for various types of malware, and finally, you can find unwanted links, iframes, malicious scripts and redirects, etc.
•Scan My Server:
As the name implies, you can quickly get help from this item and check your entire server for any malicious items.
It is a scanning engine that can be used for free, and finally, you can check your website for the existence of different types of malware with the help of it. This case also has a lot of fans that recognize the existing infections quickly thanks to this item.
•Sucuri Site Check:
Sucuri Site Check is a free scanner that you can quickly enter your site address to check whether the site is infected or not.
•Norton Safe Web:
This case examines various sites based on automated analysis and user feedback and detects an infection.
•Norton Safe Web:
It is a service developed by Symantec and designed to help users identify malicious websites. It provides information about websites with the help of automated analysis and user feedback.
So far, we have looked at how you can find out if your web is infected with spam links, but once you have identified that your site is infected, you should remove the existing infections. We will discuss this issue in the following so that you can have a safe site with the help of these tips and points, and users who visit your site can gain a positive user experience from using your site. As you know, user satisfaction is one of the most critical factors that makes you successful because it can increase the traffic to your website and the ranking of it on the google search engine results page so that you can achieve your primary goal as soon as possible.
Delete Spam Link Injection in WordPress:
You can use the WP Security plugin to remove it, simply put, this plugin allows you to detect any infection in the shortest possible time and fix it.
The exciting thing is that when you want to find a suitable security plugin that helps you take care of your system, you will be faced with many options that will make it difficult for you to decide which one to choose so that you cannot choose the best plugin from all of them. Still, you should carefully consider the features available in each one and select a plugin that can detect malware in the shortest amount of time.
As we said, you need to look at the plugin's features that you intend to use, and among all the features that this plugin should have, it is necessary to include the following.
The plugin you are about to use should detect all new and complex malware. Suppose the plugin you have selected does not have this feature. In that case, it will eventually act like a normal scanner to search which is not useful in this regard and uses a method that matches the signature or pattern to search for malware which only searches for code that is already malicious, another negative point that should be mentioned is that such plugins do not detect any new malware and cannot powerfully help secure the web.
In other words, your chosen plugin needs to be able to use more than 100 signals to identify a suspicious code and its behavior on your website. It should be able to scan your entire web in no time but keep in mind that this time also depends on the size of your website because when the website, as well as the files on it, are large, the plugins need more time to scan so that this process will take longer time. Still, overall, you should be looking for the fastest and most accurate scanner available.
Once the plugin detects malware and spam links on your site, it needs to be able to fix them automatically and finally make your web completely free of any infection, another thing you can use to remove junk links is a WordPress website scanner, which has all the features that a good scanner should have, and you can confidently use it to help clean up your site.
What several scanners do to clean up is that they first back up your site so that it will not be damaged by malicious agents, posts, and information on your web, and then they try to clean up the existing negative items.
As you can see, you end up having to pay a lot of money to restore the security of your web, so the best thing you can do is try your best before your site is attacked.
There are several things you can do to prevent hackers from accessing your system quickly, which causes users who come to your site to lose trust in your site, some valuable and helpful steps that must be taken are as follows, disabling cookies from WordPress Admin, using robust passwords which includes uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, etc., and changing your web password regularly so that if hackers were able to gain access to your password, they would immediately lose access. They cannot implement their malicious acts on your site due to the changes that you have made to your password so that you can somehow block the way of their malicious acts and prevent them from achieving their malicious goals, in addition to the cases mentioned above, there are other things you can do to prevent various hackers from infiltrating your site, but the most important ones were mentioned in this article.
If you want to clean your site from any spam and malware links manually, pay attention to the following section.
How to clean up junk links on a hacked WordPress website?
Here are some ways that are going to be mentioned to remove junk links manually so that you need to do the following in this case.
- First, you need to scan all available files.
- After that, you have scanned all the files, and now is the time to remove the malicious code in them so that they can no longer damage your site.
- After you have done these steps carefully, you should scan and clean your Database.
Last word:
WordPress has many features that you can read in various articles on our website, but in this article, we generally addressed the issue of spam links and how to change your username on this site. We have prepared content for you in connection with both cases, which we hope can be helpful for you. You can use it to make the necessary changes to your WordPress site, as well as protect your site from spam links that may be placed in your system by hackers, as a result, by increasing the security of your website, users who come to your site can have a positive user experience so that they will share your site with their friends as well which can make your website popular because it increases your site traffic as well as its ranking in search engine results page, which can be a great help for being successful in this regard. You can achieve significant success with the help of it. We hope you can achieve your goal with the help of mentioned points and tips.
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