, and it is used to specify the type of text.- Low attribute: The Low attribute, which belongs to , specifies the range that is considered to be a low value.
- Onafterprint attribute: The onafterprint attribute belongs to body> and if you use this feature, the script will run before printing the document.
- Change attribute: It belongs to all the elements that are visible, and using it causes the script to run when the value of the element changes.
- Oncuechange attribute: The oncuechange attribute
It belongs to , and it is being used in such a way that the script is executed when the character is changed in the relevant element.
- Onemptied attribute: The Onemptied attribute is related to; audio>, , and it can be used for the time when bad things happen; in other words, when the file is unavailable due to an unpleasant event, the script will run.
- Onerror : This attribute belongs to these elements: audio, body, embed, image, object, script, style, video, and as the name implies when an error occurs, the script will run.
- Oninput attribute: The Oninput attribute applies to all elements that are visible, and it will run when the script receives the user input element.
- Onkeydown attribute: The onkeydown attribute also belongs to all the elements that are visible, and the script is executed when the client is pressing the key; the use of this attribute, like other ones, is very common among programmers.
- Onloadedmetadata attribute: It belongs to these two elements audio, video and if you use it, the script will run while loading metadata.
- Onmousewheel attribute: This attribute belongs to all the elements that are visible, and as its name implies, when the mouse wheel is scrolled on an element, the script will run.
- Onpagehide attribute: It is related to the
element, and the script is executed when the user leaves the page.- Onplay attribute: As you can figure out, play attribute is related to these two elements audio-video, and the script will run when the media starts playing.
- Onpopstate attribute: It belongs to the
element, and if you use this attribute, the script will run when the window's history is changed.- Onreset attribute: The onreset attribute is related to the
- Search attribute: The search attribute is related to the element, and after using this feature, the script is executed when the user writes something in the search field.
- Installed attribute: This attribute is related to the audio, video elements, and the script runs when the browser is not able to fetch the media data for any reason.
- Ontoggle attribute: The toggle attribute is for the details element, and the script is executed whenever this element is opened or closed.
- Open attribute: It is similar to the previous details feature, and if you use it, all the details will be visible to the user.
- Placeholder attribute: The placeholder attribute is related to the two elements ,
- Sandbox attribute: It is related to the
- Shape attribute: The shape attribute is related to the element, and, as the name implies, this element is used to determine the shape of the area.
- Size attribute: It is related to the , element and specifies the width, in characters (for ) or specifies the number of visible options (for ).
- Sizes attribute: The sizes attribute related to the following elements: IMG, link, source, and it is used to specify the size of the linked source.
- Spellcheck attribute: This is related to
the Global Attributes element
And if it is used, it will ultimately determine whether the specified element should check its spelling as well as its grammar or not, which can be of great help.
- Src attribute: The src attribute is for the audio, embed, iframe, img, input, script, source, track, video elements, and as its name implies, it is used in order to specify the source of each of the different element files.
- Target attribute: This attribute is related to the a area, base, form elements, and as the name of this attribute also indicates, it is used to specify the purpose for opening the linked document or sending the form.
- Use map attribute: The usemap attribute is related to these two elements img, object and specifies an image as a client-side image map.
- Width attribute: It is related to these elements: canvas, embed, iframe, img, input, object, video, and it is used to determine the width of the desired element.
- Value attribute: It is related to the button, input, li, option, meter, progress, param elements and all people are familiar with it and know that this attribute is being used to determine the value of different elements.
- Width attribute: It is used for canvas, embed, iframe, img, input, object, video elements, and as you know, it is used to specify the width of the element.
Apart from the attributes that have been brought to you so far, there are other ones, each of which is related to different elements and has many
, which we tried to summarize some of the most important ones available to you, in order to increase your knowledge in this field, so in the continuation of this article, we are going to briefly mention a number of other facilities of this language.
HTML- Tag: One of the most important tags in this language is the tag, and as you know, they are always inside the
element and are being used in order to specify character sets, page descriptions, keywords and document author, it should be noted that this metadata can only be displayed as well as parsed on different devices, and it is not displayed on the screen, in order to understand this issue better, you have to pay attention to the following example.
The result of the above example will be as follows.
All meta information goes in the head section ...
It should be noted that all
existing browsers, including Safari, Opera, Google
Etc. support this, and there are several attributes that are related to this case, which we are going to mention briefly in the following section.
- charset: It is one of the most important features of this tag that specifies the character encoding for the HTML document.
- content: It specifies the value associated with the http-equiv or name attribute.
- http-equiv: It provides an HTTP header for the information / value of the content attribute, in this case there are also different values, which are: content-security-policy, content-type, default-style and refresh.
- Name: As the name implies, this attribute is used to specify a name for metadata and has various values, including application-name, author, description, generator, keywords, and viewport.
HTML Text Formatting: Another feature that exists in this language is that is being used to display certain types of text, now consider the following example in this regard for a better understanding.
The result of the above example will be as follows. This text is bold This text is italic This is subscript and superscript In the following, we are going to refer to the various elements that exist in this regard.
- Element: This element is used to highlight a text in bold, so if you want to understand this issue, it is better to pay attention to the following example.
The result of the above example will be as follows.
This text is normal.
This text is bold.
- HTML element: This item is used to display the sentences that are more important, and the text in it is usually displayed larger, now consider the following example in this regard.
The result of the above example is as follows.
This text is normal.
This text is important!
-HTML element: This element causes you to define a part of text in an alternate voice or mood and the content inside is typically displayed in italic, to better understand this, consider the following example in this regard.
The result of the above example will be as follows.
This text is normal.
This text is italic.
-HTML element: It is used to define emphasized text and as in the previous case, the specified content is displayed in italics, now consider the example below.
The result of the following example will be as follows.
This text is normal.
This text is emphasized.
The point to note about this element is that a screen reader will pronounce the words in em with an emphasis, using verbal stress.
-HTML element: As the name implies, this element is used to create smaller text.
The result of the above example will be as follows.
This is some normal text.
This is some smaller text.
-HTML element: It is used to specify the text that should be marked or highlighted.
The result of the above example will be as follows.
Do not forget to buy milk today.
-HTML element: HTML del element is used to specify the text that has been removed from the document, which is very efficient and can be used in different cases.
The result of the above example is as follows.
My favorite color is blue red.
-HTML element: HTML ins element is used to define the text in a document, and after using it, the browser usually displays the text specified with this element as an underline, now note the following example where in addition to this element, the del element is also used.
The result of the above example is as follows.
My favorite color is blue red.
-HTML element: By using HTML element, the subtitle text can be defined, and finally the text that is specified with this element will appear below the normal line, and in some cases it may have different size compared to the normal text.
The result of the above example is as follows.
This is subscripted text.
-HTML element: This is the opposite of the previous case, and it is used to display text that is above the line, in this case the text appears above the normal line unlike the previous one where the text appears below the normal line, also in this part, the font may be different from the regular text font and in most cases it appears smaller, now consider the following example.
The result of the above example is as follows.
This is superscripted text.
Descriptions: Another feature in this language is Descriptions in HTML which if you use, a brief description of a web page will be provided, and it should be noted that there is a description tag at the top of the code in the code section, the interesting thing about this topic is that these descriptions are not displayed on the web page, and this is why many people do not pay much attention to this issue, but in fact, this is very important, and it is necessary to provide appropriate and practical descriptions which are related to the topic, so that the user can make the most of this item, as a result, you shouldn't ignore its importance due to the mentioned reasons.
Last word: In general, there are many programming languages that each programmer is good at different types of them, one of which is HTML, which we have discussed in this article, as well as a number of types of features that exist in it, as you can see, each of the available features has a wide world, and it is necessary to consider its ability according to the various examples that exist in relation to their coding in this language in order to raise your awareness in this field, so that you can try to
create the best and highest quality content
with the help of this language due to the fact that it has lots of features, and it provides users with lots of facilities, so that it can be a good choice for you to get help of it and create a high quality website which attracts lots of users to it and a website that can meet the user's needs in different aspects which can help you be successful in this field due to the fact that if you can make the users satisfied, they will introduce your website to their friends so that, more users will be attracted to your website say by day which is considered as a great success, there are also lots of examples which are given in each part that you can take advantage of, in order to understand the definitions better, we hope this article can be useful for you, and you can get help from it to achieve your goals.
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