111-point SEO checklist - get your website on first page of google
17 minute(s) read
Published on: Oct 25, 2021
Updated on: Feb 01, 2022

SEO is all about content
Content is the king of the site pages, and it is better to produce and publish unique and non-duplicate content related to our page. Content from search engines like Google is effective and good in optimization that is not duplicate and unique. In addition, for the content to be noticed by search engines when reviewed, we must use an appropriate number of keywords related to the page's topic. A page should include tags and keywords to be better optimized by search engines and displayed in the top rankings of search results.
1- Unique and non-duplicate content
2- Create effective and original content on the main page of the site
3- In producing content, you should pay attention to its user-friendliness and body
4- Fresh and updated content can greatly impact faster and better optimization of the content of your site pages.
Focus on the search term after paying attention and accuracy in choosing keywords
5- Due to the interest of search engine spiders in new content and texts, it is better to produce new content about once every three weeks. Otherwise, you will become a passive web.
6- Link baiting is good and effective content.
7- Optimize RSS feed text.
8- Write for users and optimize for engines. In this way, it is possible to use unnatural keywords to optimize the site and content by engines.
9- Using descriptive verbs in the text
10- Use the free WordTracker tool to find effective and popular phrases.
11- Optimize your press like a blog that includes effective headlines and keywords.
12- In addition to Matin contents, you must use video, video, audio, podcast, animation, etc.
13- If you publish a podcast, it is better to copy the podcast and publish the text. Because search engines examine the inserted text more than audio and video content.
14- If you also publish video content, it is better to transcribe it and insert its text.
15- Describe the visual contents by using textual contents.
16- Making textual content include effective keywords for video content because the search engine pays more attention to the text next to it than the video when optimizing
17- Using the words image or video in the description of ALT
18- Make sure the text and meta tags match the other pages.
19- Enable advanced image search in Google Webmaster Central
20- Engines like quality and unique content, and you should pay attention to the fact that your content is both because there are some differences between being quality and being unique.
21- The post title tag should be different from the blog title.
22- Collaborate with some bloggers of reputable sites to produce good content.
23- To distribute an article on the World Wide Web, it is better to put it on your website first.
Keywords to access content
Keywords are one of the most important factors in having a good Search engine optimization site. In fact, more visits can be transferred to the site by using relevant, relevant, and popular keywords. To achieve the desired search results, you must use relevant and popular keywords. In other words, it can be said that keywords are the most important tool for the search process, and when users search, they put their desired keywords in the search engine search bar, and through it, search engine robots also enter the keyword. Checks the contents of the sites in the database and, if relevant, displays the content according to the entered keyword.
24- Use relevant, effective, and popular keywords
25- Each website page should have at least one tag and two relevant and effective keywords.
26- Do not use keywords abnormally.
27- The impact of keyword quality is greater than its quantity.
28- Paying attention to the text keywords related to the video content
29- Focus each page on one keyword.
30- Instead of competing with Google, compete with sites with keywords like yours.
31- There are no magic keywords with special features. It is better than the text contains several related and similar keywords.
32- Keywords, relevant, similar, and alternative
Linking, the queen of Search engine optimization
Content is king, and links are queen. In addition to focusing on producing good content and generating relevant keywords, we also need to focus on creating links. Search engines have bots that can easily access your content through links, examine them and then show the search results to the user in the top rankings.
33- Creating text links to move and link the page with drop-down menus, maps, or images on the website
34- Since links are queens, it is better to create effective backlinks and internal links.
35- Focus on PageRank a lot.
36- Give external links to some reputable sites that are also your choice.
37- Ensure that internally or externally linked texts contain relevant keywords.
38- To give external links to related sites, it is better to consider the no-follow feature before doing so. The fastest way to do this is to use the NoDoFollow Firefox plugin to check the no-follow feature.
39- It is better to link internal links to http://www.domain.com and external links to http://www.domain.com/index.html.
40- Paying attention to the quality of linking is better than paying attention to the quantity in linking 41- Use www.yourdomain.com to learn how to link to a website
42- In addition to the linked text, the surrounding text should also contain similar and related keywords.
43- For your website to be seen faster, it is better to give external links to large and successful sites so that your site and pages are also seen by search engines when they are reviewed.
44- External links to successful and popular sites increase credibility.
45- Using absolute links
46- Do not use Frames for linking, and for a good SEO result, use Flash and AJAX in linking to a small extent.
47- Check the save date of the page when linking to foreign sites
48- Put your website address and page in the site map when several pages are like each other
49- Use different .html, .htm, .asp, .php extensions for URL file extensions
50- Link to other sites to link to your sites, be generous in external links.
51- The simplicity and ease of using your website can affect the linking of your site and as a result its SEO ranking.
52- If the main page of your site is a splash page and you have a Flash or a large image, it is better to put the text link under a folder.
53- To strengthen your website code, it is better to link JavaScript and CSS to external files if possible.
54- Some of your valuable and effective backlinks may not be displayed on websites, but they can still have a good effect on search engine optimization.
55- Do not use monetary links. Place links in the original text effectively
56- Provide a dedicated server instead of a shared server to speed it up.
57- SEO is a time-consuming process that must be done carefully and planned to achieve better results.
58- Become a blog owner because the owner's interaction and response to users' comments will increase credibility.
59- For your SEO to have a great impact, it is better to call to action.
60- Global navigation and linking are better than XML Sitemap. Let site content be optimized naturally.
61- To not see the results of Google Personalized Search, it is better to select Disable Customization based on search activity on Web History.
62- Avoid link farms (pages with many links) that anger engines.
63- Adding viral components to web pages
64- Search the check server header to see the results. 200 OK or 301 means you must modify your site address.
65- It is better to modify and test to see and check the result and effect each time you change.
66- You can use the robots.txt file to block spiders.
67- If you have more than one place, it is better to create a local list.
68- Do e-marketing.
69- For visitors, we must provide a good and easy site map.
70- Check the source code for any remaining code.
71- In using Flash, be careful that if principles are used, it will increase the user experience, and otherwise, it will distract the user.
72- Do not create unnecessary subcategories.
73- The website database must be compatible with spiders.
74- Force visitors to do something. For Yankar, you can put some buttons to use them to perform some actions and, as a result, cause interaction and communication between the user and the website. Consider easy communication, such as texting or calling.
75- Use a log-based analytics tracking system to analyze all the actions on your site. Like clicks, server calls, spiders
76- When advertising with Google AdWords, you need to make sure BACK is disabled on landing pages.
77- Using the Google search engine, you will have a personal page rank. However, you can also enter the number of visitors or site traffic that you visit the most to your site. Get visitors to your site using Google Bookmark.
78- Make sure the page title, HTML title, and ALT attributes of the pages match.
79- We can use external JavaScript to prevent certain links from being crawled or recognized by spiders.
80- We must root the list page of all sections of our site.
81- When creating and inserting site URLs, it is better to write them in small letters because Robots.txt is case-sensitive.
82- Keywords should also be included in the first paragraph or paragraph because it greatly impacts the site ranking by engines.
83- For faster loading or better optimization, we must also specify the image's dimensions. Width = "300 ″ height =" 172 Sat values that are suitable for the dimensions of the site image and cause the serials to load. It is better to optimize them when designing the site to be displayed on phones as well. More than half of site visits and traffic are for mobile phones.
84- Pay more attention to UX, which has a great effect on having a good SEO result.
Domain effects on good SEO
The site's domain is one of the most important aspects of rejecting the design of SEO and its SEO. In this case, after designing the site to be visible to users, we put the domain name on it and selected the name. The domain name is the address I enter, and by entering it in the search bar of search engines such as Google, we can access the site's pages. The name and address must be simple so that it can easily remain in users' minds, and through this, they can easily enter your site. In other words, a domain is an Ip that can be converted to a name by the DNS protocol.
In choosing a domain name to have a better SEO, we must be careful because the domain is very effective in having a good SEO.
85- Insert your keywords in the linked texts, name and image links, and its features.
86- A name should be short and include a keyword.
In fact, it can be said that the name consists of two main parts, the name, and the extension, which ultimately form the address of your website. To have a good website SEO, we must be careful in choosing the name, which must be unique. Because we cannot choose a duplicate name, it is better than our chosen domain name does not look like other selected names. The name of the name should be selected in a way that includes the main keyword and, in addition, is related to your field of activity.
87- The number of visitors of the .com address and domain extension is more than others.
As we said, a domain consists of two parts, the name, and the suffix, which we explained in the name selection above. There are various other extensions that we can choose for the site address and domain. You must obtain permission from ICANN to select and insert the extension at the end of the address. The extension of licensed domains is called TLD or Top-Level Domain.
Com extensions. They mean commercials and can be used for global commercial sites. In addition, the domain and extension net. It also means network and is used for network sites worldwide.
The suffix org means an organization and can be used for organs.
88- We should check the main link on the main pages of the site and make sure that index.html is linked to the domain name or not.
89- Sites with .edu domains are recognized by search engines as reputable sites and may be less affected.
90- There are some proprietary extensions that, as the name implies, can be used for proprietary organizations. For some individuals and companies who want to operate under certain rules and frameworks, they can use proprietary extensions. Specific extensions include biz.
91- When registering a domain using some services, by blocking domain ownership information, some engines may identify you as spam while optimizing.
92- It is better to choose a domain name that is rich in the keyword.
93- The domain name must be short, with meaning and concept so that it can be easily in the minds of users.
94- As far as possible, it is better to mention your field of work in the domain name.
95- When moving to a new domain and address, be sure to provide Sticky.
96- Test domains must be hidden, which means that if you use some domains for testing, make sure that these domains are hidden from users and spiders.
97- To change the address and domain of the site, use the 301 redirect, which is a permanent redirect.
98- In choosing the address and domain name, it is better to use synonyms of keywords.
99- When choosing a name and address, it is better to check on the Internet so that there are no addresses like yours with large and small versions. Because in this case, the visits and traffic of your website may go to the same site by mistake.
100- When changing the name and address, you should keep in mind that they do not affect your visits.
101- Use domain redirection, when necessary, as this may reduce the number of visitors.
Social networks in increasing site visits
Social networks can have a great impact on improving the design and development of SEO sites ( in German: Design und Entwicklung von SEO-Sites ). As the number of people who use social media today has increased, and more than half of the people in the world have accounts and use social networks. Since the number of users in social networks is high, you can also use social networks to promote your site and business and transfer traffic and visits to social networks such as YOUTUBE, Instagram, Twitter, etc., to your site and improve your site SEO.
To have a good SEO site, you must be active in social networks so that you can redirect their traffic and visits to your site and ultimately improve your SEO.
102- Link the website to social media pages
103- Searching social networks is different from searching websites.
104- Using social marketing for better SEO results
105- Also, use the social network Twitter, which is very strong in weighting sites in search results.
106- It is also better to customize the YouTube thumbnail and select the relevant and desired image from the three suggested YouTube images be displayed when the video is displayed.
107- YouTube examines texts and keywords in the display of related videos. It is better to use the right keywords for YouTube videos.
108- Videos published on YouTube should have titles, descriptions, keywords, etc., just like blogs.
109- Put video content on Metacafe, AOL, MSN, and Yahoo sites in addition to YouTube
110- To display video content from 25 seconds and link to it, you can add # t = 0m25s to the YouTube link. Final source code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oF9fO7ysIE#t=0m25s
111- Purchasing text links, by buying text links and linking them to videos and content on YouTube, you can increase the number of hits and traffic. Of course, when buying text links, do not worry about penalizing Google because the text link purchased refers to the media site, which is YouTube, not to your blog site.
In this article, we have listed 111 effective tips for having a good website SEO for you. For your site's SEO to be strong, all the contents of the website pages to be optimized by search engines, and for the top search results to be displayed to users, you should consider the points related to them. Of course, it should be noted that the work process and the secret of engines are secret, but according to some research and experiences, these points are considered by search engines in determining the top website to display in search results.
If you want your website to be one of the top sites and to be displayed in the search results for users, it is better to pay attention to the points listed in this article and follow them.
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