Who are green hat hackers? What are the characteristics of green hat hackers?
7 minute(s) read
Published on: Apr 24, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
Hacking and hackers are some topics that are so popular among people and have a lot of fans, so lots of researches are being done on these topics every day, this is very ordinary people with special talents and a few differences in their personalities which we are going to discuss in more detail below.
What is a hack?
Hacking is a process through which this can gain access to users' information and their systems through a set of activities.
Who is a hacker?
Hacker is a talented person in the field of computer who use these extraordinary abilities to gain access to different users' system and their essential information. They will finally use the information which has been obtained, following the existing laws, all this, according to their talent and knowledge, can make a lot of money, which is one of the reasons why the number of this is increasing day by day, so the income that they can earn through doing this job can attract lots of people to it, nowadays, there are different types of hackers, our main goal in this article is to examine this. Then we are going to mention different types of hackers.
Who is the ignorant hat?
TheseThese hackers are beginners in the world of hacking who do not know much about the consequences of the things they are doing, the security mechanism, and the way that web browser works. These people are very interested in learning and raising their awareness in hacking. It should also be noted that they can cause different damage to various user accounts while trying to learn the tips of hacking, which can turn into a huge problem. These hackers cannot fix the bugs they have created due to a lack of knowledge about hacking, simply put, they may not want to intentionally harm users' systems. Still, they may do so because they are testing various malware and attack techniques.
What are the characteristics of naive?
Green hat has a curious personality which is common among all different types of this, this trait causes them to search for the answers to their questions, another feature of this type of hacker, which we can mention is the great enthusiasm they have in learning and due to this enthusiasm, they may enroll in various training classes that exist and can improve the level of their awareness by learning more and more, being serious and hardworking can also be considered as the features of this type of this, in addition, this becomes addicted to their system after a while. Because they are always trying to increase their knowledge in this field, so they spend more time on their computer systems.
Green hacker vs. Script Kiddies:
Many people may confuse green hat with Script Kiddies, so in this section, we will compare these two. Script Kiddies are also novice hackers who are very interested in hacking. Still, the difference between them is that they never seek to learn new hacking and programming techniques to improve their knowledge, and they prefer to buy malware, tools, and scripts online and use them to put pressure on users.
These hackers are always trying to take training courses to learn hacking methods. Still, Script Kiddies may only view online articles or instructional videos and ultimately gain basic information in the field of hacking, so they have far less knowledge than the green hat, this hackers, are very serious about achieving their goal and put a lot of effort into this field. Still, Script Kiddies just like to try different types of scripts they have gotten.
Types of this :
There are different types of hackers, all of whom have different goals and incomes depending on the way they choose because some of them may choose the right way and use their talent to help people keep their information secure. Still, some others prefer to use their talent to steal people essential information, here we are going to mention some of them:
- Black hacker:
One of the most famous groups of hackers are black hat whose activities are against the law, and they try to use their talent in order to infiltrate different users' systems without their permission, black hat hackers use various types of hacking methods to achieve their goal, such as phishing, social engineering, DDoS attacks, etc., and they always try to work hard to increase their knowledge in the field of hacking and gain access to more important information, when these types of hackers can gain access to the information of different people, they will use this information in different ways, such as extorting money from the person whose information is being stolen, providing information to other users, and so on, all of which will eventually cause the hacker to be able to make a lot of money, everything that black hat hackers do is illegal, but the important thing is that most black hat hackers are very unlikely to be caught by the police because they know how to do their job.
- White hacker:
White hat hackers are the most important hackers whose goals are in terms of rules and regulations, simply put, they are the opposite of black hat hackers, various companies and organizations hire white hat hackers, which are also called ethical hackers, and use them to find all kinds of security holes, so these people try to find security holes like black hat hackers. They try all possible ways to enter the system, finally by doing so, they can realize the system's weaknesses, once they find the weaknesses of the system, they report them to the owners of the companies, and to solve the problems, these hackers may also have other responsibilities, such as training a company's employees to increase their knowledge in the field of security.
- Red hat:
Red hat hackers the white hat, red hat hackers try to stand up to the black hat, but these hackers may choose extreme and sometimes illegal ways to do it. These hackers usually do cyber-attack against the black hat after finding them to take revenge in their way.
- Gray hacker:
The gray hat can access other users' systems to find security holes without permission. They may eventually fix users' vulnerabilities and provide system security.
- Blue hacker:
The blue hat is the type of hacker who seeks personal revenge. These hackers use various hacking methods to attack the systems of targeted users, most blue hat use spam emails to reach their target and harm different people through this technique, these people usually expose the obtained information to the public after accessing it, there is another definition of these kinds of hackers, which considers blue hat as people who different companies invite to check their new products in terms of security, these people are not hired by these companies and are only invited to be the first one who reviews the products to fill any security hole.
Last word:
Green hat has a great desire to learn, and as we have mentioned in the article, they may also receive qualifications by attending various training classes. They also have a determined and curious personality, here we tried to mention the personalities of these types of hackers as well as their goals, as a result, if you are interested in hacking and hackers topics, and you want to know more about them, you can pay attention to the points which have been mentioned in this article because we tried explained different types of this as well as important points that should be mentioned about them.
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