What is on-page SEO and off-page SEO?
7 minute(s) read
Published on: Jan 09, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
To answer this question, you must first get acquainted with SEO and then on-page-SEO and off-page SEO
What is SEO?
The word SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. To do SEO, you must do techniques and activities inside or outside the site, which are called on-page-SEO and off-page SEO, respectively, that you must do to reach a high ranking in search engines. This set of activities will increase user visits and site traffic. Someone who implements SEO techniques on your site is called an SEO expert
What is on-page-SEO?
The set of activities that are done inside the site in order to optimize the webpage and gain high rankings and high traffic in search engines is called on-page SEO. On-page-SEO considers all aspects of a webpage; by observing all the principles of SEO, you can achieve a high ranking in search-engines. The ultimate goal of on-page-SEO is that your page is going to be recognized as a valuable website with understandable content, as well as the most relevant content with the words searched by users and search engines. To achieve this goal, the following set of actions must be done through on-page-SEO.
1- Using keywords in the page title:
The title of the site is very important in optimizing it in search-engines and giving a high rank to the site on the search engine results page. We should not forget to use keywords in the title of the site, and in addition, the title of a site should not be unnatural; it should not be too short or too long.
Pay attention to the meta descriptions:
The meta section provides a complete description of everything that you are going to represent in the content and is the best part for using keywords to show the search engine that the content and the title are related to each other. And if you do not write the meta description correctly, google cannot find a connection between the meta part, title, and the content, so it will spam the site. You should take this part into consideration, which is the part of activities that take place in on-page SEO.
3- Heading Tags:
The title of the site is very important in optimizing the site in search engines, and keywords should be used in the title, and it should not be too long; the title tag is so important.
Use of appropriate URLs:
The URL should not be too long, and it should contain keywords.
Increase page loading speed:
Another activity that is considered as part of on-page SEO and attracts more and more users to the website and increases dwell time is to increase the page loading speed, so SEO experts should do their best to increase the loading speed of a website.
6- Internal linking:
One of the key points in on-page SEO of a website is the use of internal links, which causes the user to visit other pages of the site and receive the answer to their needs as soon as possible, which causes the search engine to consider the site valid and give it a high rank in the search results page
7- Image optimization:
ALT and Title should be used in the photo as long as the user is searching to get answers to his/her questions and achieve whatever he/she wants. A photo that is a part of the content of a site should be displayed in the Google Photo Search section, don't forget to use keywords.
8- Paying attention to Dwell Time:
Doing a set of activities within a website can increase the dwell time, including increasing the loading speed of pages, enriching the site content, being able to use the site on mobile phones, interacting with users, long-form site content, using videos, and the use of the PPT formula, which ultimately optimizes the site in search engine results.
9- Share buttons of the social network:
By placing the share button of the social networks on websites, we enable the user the ability to share the content with his/her friends on social networks if he/she is attracted to it; it helps to attract more users to the website.
10-Insert quiz:
Creating a quiz is one of the activities that is done in the field of on-page SEO. Also, a SEO expert Can place a box to provide users commenting that may include criticizing an article or asking for more explanations in the form of another article, answering to these requirements creates a way to let the user know that your site is up to date and all the efforts done by website owners are to meet the needs of the website users as much as possible.
What is off-page SEO?
Off-page actions to optimize the web page and get high rankings and high traffic in search engines are called off-page SEO. For example, a website that has high quality usually includes links from other sites which have better and more connection with social networks such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and etc., and also these sites are more well-known and people share them more, so it causes more success for website owners. There are other strategies for achieving success and site optimization in off-page SEO, which we will mention below.
Share articles in other sources:
When you share your articles on other websites, more users are able to benefit from your article, which leads to optimizing the website and increasing site traffic
External link building:
One of the most effective ways to optimize your website is using external linking, which after a while, other sites will link to you; at that time, Google will recognize you as a valuable resource and increase your ranking. Some tools are helpful for website owners in the field of external link building which include Mozbar, Ahrefs, Open Site Explorer, and Google webmaster.
External link value measurement criteria:
1. Reliability of the linked domain
2. The popularity of the linked page
3. Relevance of The content between the source page and the linked page
4. Anchor text used in the link
5. The number of links given to the website on the source page
6. Number of domains linked to the website page
Use of social networks:
Today, there are many social networks that can be used to optimize the site; for example, YouTube has many fans, and sharing videos related to the content of the site in this network can increase the site's ranking
4- Registration in search engines:
All search engines will notice your website after a while, but this process takes a while, so you should be manually registered by search engines to be indexed as soon as possible. Hence one of the solutions in internal SEO is to register in search engines such as Google, LinkedIn and etc.
5- Bookmarking:
If you upload your latest article and post on bookmarking sites, search engines will increase your ranking very quickly.
Last word:
To achieve a high ranking in the search engine, you must use both on-page SEO and off-page SEO to be seen more by users and create high traffic for the website. In this article, we mentioned a set of activities that both are done on-page and off-page to improve website ranking on the search engine results page.
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