Can HTTPS be hacked?
8 minute(s) read
Published on: Mar 13, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
As you know, site security is so critical, and all website owners try to protect their site and information from being hacked by hackers; for this reason, everyone searches for updated news related to website security to make their site more secure day by day, due to the importance of site security, many questions come to the minds of users regarding site security, one of which is related to HTTPS, which we will discuss in this article, but before that, it is necessary to HTTP get acquainted with HTTPS.
What is HTTP?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol is one of the most common protocols used to transfer information between web servers and web browsers that uses codes for this transfer which all of them are visible, which decreases the security of using this protocol by site owners, however, despite the low security of using this protocol, most sites prefer this protocol and try to use HTTPS, and increase the security of the site as much as possible.
Then, What is HTTPS?
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is a protocol that, as its suffix implies, is more secure than HTTP; this protocol uses the Secure Sockets Layer to encrypt all the data that is to be transmitted between web servers and web browsers. Thus the security increases greatly.
As we mentioned, HTTPS can provide you with more security, and today everyone is looking for this property. Also, site owners may suggest each other to use HTTPS, and in addition, Google search engine pays more attention to websites that use the protocol and give a higher ranking to them compared to sites that do not use the HTTPS protocol, which is why many site designers prefer this one, it should be noted that, as you know, the factors that Google's algorithms used to rank sites are unknown, and it has been seen that many websites have not made significant improvements in rankings despite the fact that they are using HTTPS.
In general, using this protocol increases the security of the site, so it is a good reason for people to use it because the high security of a website causes the attraction of users. As a result, this website will attract more attention among competitors, so it ultimately gets a better ranking by doing other site optimization techniques correctly and in principle.
Advantages of using HTTP-S protocol:
- Optimize the site and increase the site ranking on the Google search results page
- Increase website security
- Create a positive user experience for the user
- Do not show transfer codes and encrypt them
- Increase the speed of site indexing
- .....
In addition to the benefits that we have mentioned above, this protocol has other benefits, all of which encourage site designers to use this protocol, so it is better to know the way that you can convert your site from HTTP to HTTPS.
Steps to convert website from HTTP to HTTPS:
To convert a site from HTTP to HTTPS, you must first obtain an SSL certificate and then configure your host with an SSL certificate; after these two steps, it is time to convert all internal and external links as well as 301 redirects from HTTP to HTTPS, in the last step, you need to do the necessary update in the content distribution network, and add a new version of your site to Google Search Console and Google Analytic, but the main question that we are going to answer in this article is whether HTTPS can be hacked or not, which we will answer in the following.
Can HTTPS be a hack?
Although HTTPS increases the security of the website, this does not mean that hackers cannot hack it; even after switching HTTP to HTTPS, your site may be attacked by hackers, so in addition, to be safe your website in this way, you need to pay attention to other points to be able to turn your site into a secure site.
To answer the question about the possibility of HTTPS being hacked, we should pay attention to another point; as we have already told you, in the first step of using this protocol, you need to provide an SSL certificate, which is a certificate that increases the security of the site, so if hackers can hack SSL certificate, they can also hack HTTP, which we will discuss more SSL in the following.
What is SSL?
Secure Socket Layer is for establishing secure communication between the server and the user on the Internet; in fact, this protocol is generally used to increase the security of sites that are using unsafe protocols; SSL causes the data that is going be transmitted to be encrypted, so that it is not abused by hackers during the transfer, in other words, when an attack occurs, such as Man in The Middle, it protects your site information and prevents your information from being hacked, but it does not protect the data stored on the server and, so in order to protect other sections, other existing security holes must be filled.
Tips that can be observed in addition to using SSL to increase website security:
- Keep your website software up to date.
- Pay more attention to server configuration.
- Be careful in choosing the password.
It is also necessary to take other steps that should be considered in creating site security so that a site can have good security and users can safely put their information on the website.
Can we trust any website that has HTTPS in its URL?
The answer to this question is definitely no, a site that has HTTPS in its address can secure the information that is being transmitted, but it cannot determine the main purpose of the website you are using, so in choosing a site, in addition to the site address, other points should be considered to protect your information from being abused.
In other words, SSL certificates cannot confirm the reliability of the website, because today these certificates are available to everyone and can be gained at a low price or even for free, so to find out whether a site is secure and you can get the answers to the questions or not, you should look at the website ranking, because search engine algorithms, consider many factors to rank the site, and as you know, the purpose of search engines, is to gain user satisfaction, so you can trust sites that have a high ranking.
Important note:
Any site that has SSL should not be trusted because, nowadays, hackers know that if their site address contains HTTPS, they can easily attract users; for instance, they try to get your attention to their site by sending messages via an address containing HTTPS, and when you click on the site address, you will enter the site. As a result, they will have full access to all the information, so it is necessary to pay attention to other points and take careful steps to keep your information safe.
Last word:
Site security is very important and to achieve more security, people turn to different strategies, one of which is the use of HTTPS, which we tried to mention the fact that even the most secure protocols may not be able to maintain the security of the site completely, and if you want a secure site, you must follow all the tips at the same time, so that if there is fewer security holes in your site, hackers will not be able to access your information, and even if they hack your website through those few security holes, they can access to less information, as a result it is better not to just focus on the site address and try to prioritize other options for making a website secure because it will work more, so you are able to protect your information from hackers, due to the fact that if they access your information, they will abuse them, and it will make trouble for you, in this article we also tried to mention some of the tips that can be done in addition to HTTP and HTTPS to make your website secure, if you pay attention to all points mentioned above, you can be safe from attacks.
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