Creating a correct SEO-friendly website structure
3 minute(s) read
Published on: Nov 29, 2020
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
Website structure and SEO are directly linked with each other. You cannot ignore it while optimizing your website. Having a logical web structure is the same as having a series of pathways and handy signs through your pages, and this will create an interesting flow for both the search engine bots and users.
What is the website structure?
When you hear the term " Website structure. " You may think of a content organization or aesthetic elements. But in reality, the website structure refers to how the pages on your website are related to one another. This also includes separating additional pages from your site's home page into folders and subtopics.
The website structure begins with a foundation, homepage, then branches off into other parts or sections such as the contact page, about page, and blog page.
How to create a correct SEO-friendly website structure
Not all the website's structures are correctly created according to Google algorithms. To make your website structure SEO-Friendly correct, it has to attract visitors and guide them towards relevant content across your website.
There are a few steps mentioned below that you can follow to create a correct SEO-Friendly website structure Establish your site hierarchy.
You should first create a hierarchy on your website or a system that keeps arranging your site pages from top to bottom. You must prioritize certain sections and topics. You review the major resources that could help your site audience or visitors to convert into leads or conversions and turn them into sales revenue. You could simply make individual and subcategories. For instance, if your organization offers several services, one of the categories separated, your home page must be "services."
Organize matching URL structure URL structure also impacts google ranking, so simple and clear URLs help your website gain potential traffic and exposure. When the audience sees easy words in the google search engine results, it will better impact taking a quick decision to choose one result over the other.
For instance, a URL that reads "" isn't as useful as ""
In your correctly created SEO-friendly website structure, the URLs naturally flows. Since you have mapped out a certain path for visitors to go through, the URL is just another way to tell the page's location in the content of your website.
Perform internal linking
Using internal linking frequently in your website structure indicates the strong relationship between content and pages on your website. When you put inks on your site organically throughout your recent posts, blogs, and product pages, it forms a framework for users to explore. Suppose there is a helpful link to any related page on your website. In that case, visitors could continue to cross your website and come closer to purchasing a product or service.
You should make sure that a thorough network of links is placed across your website and try to link up with other famous pages to inculcate more ranking value for SEO optimization