What is an infographic in SEO?
9 minute(s) read
Published on: Jan 27, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
In order to increase SEO, increase traffic, attract the audience and the user, and of course, maintain it, essential measures must be taken that are liked by the user and thus attract the user. Infographic design is one of the effective measures in attracting and retaining the user because its purpose is to facilitate and facilitate the understanding of the subject in a short time for the user.
What is an infographic?
An infographic is a combination of "info" and "graphics". It is called an image that includes information and combined data of images, tables, charts, charts, and other graphic icons to provide long and very complex information in a simple and straightforward way. this in places such as information, placing long content in the minimum space, practical tips, surveys, maps and video and sketching routines, summarizing several types of information in one image, training, increasing the speed of content transfer, facilitating the understanding of the purpose of information and has a very practical application.
these are new techniques for displaying important information visually and visually. This can display extended information and significant texts in a concise and helpful way. Using infographics to convey content, instead of magazines and long texts, is a great help and a significant impact on search engine optimization, because the impact of content on the site is more significant and better than long texts.
Infographics are used to create excellent links and convey content on social media. Infographics use information data and images, and graphics to share information efficiently with the user.
Infographics already exist, but recently they have become trendy and have gained a lot of popularity on social media such as Facebook, Pinterest, etc. From the old examples of this, we can mention road maps. Infographics are popular and interesting among people because they are more attractive than long and dull texts and articles and convey information visually to users.
The natural aspect of the human brain is that the speed of visual processing information is much faster than textual information and data, which is why infographics have gained so much influence and popularity among people and social media.
Infographics are effective in content marketing because:
- About 90% of users find graphic content generated for marketing effectiveness.
- The use of graphic content increases the percentage of future marketing success.
- Graphic content marketing is 60% less than traditional marketing.
- Statistics show that 8 out of 10 users and customers are affected by infographics, and this has enabled users to communicate well with information and data, which will eventually lead to users' purchases.
Types of infographics:
Static infographics:
- Infographics that are optimized for display on the screens of computers or spreadsheets, and smartphones. These infographics focus more on images and visual information than extended textual information. These infographics are mostly used for the following:
- Extract informative, clear, and unambiguous content
- Transmitting and presenting information on social media and website posts
- To introduce products and other types of services
Animated infographic:
- These types of infographics are used for storytelling or attractive display of information and data.
- User experience control
- Explain systems and some processes
Interactive infographics:
These infographics are used to produce graphic content to optimize huge amounts of information and data. The most commonly used interactive infographics:
- Engage the user for more interaction
- Visualize huge volumes of information
- Focus on specific information
- Preparing infographics is a very easy and practical process that you should pay attention to some necessary points in preparing it. The infographic should have a very engaging and user-friendly profile to attract users and convince them to connect with the site.
Important points in preparing infographics:
To write text notes, try to use slang and readable fonts so that it is both easy to read and does not bother users.
Use appropriate spacing in writing and arranging images and elements to prevent data integration and greater readability. Of course, you should note that the distance is not enough to cause a definite connection between the infographic elements.
The layout in the infographic is one of the most important points that you must pay attention to, do not go to extremes in the arrangement of the elements and put the related elements close together so that you can better show the importance of the transfer subject.
Minimum text
Since infographics are content that is used instead of long texts, in designing infographics, we should be careful to use minimal text and not descriptive texts. Texts that can be used in infographics are highlights and keywords used to emphasize and show thematic importance.
You can also use charts and tables to prevent the insertion of texts.
Keep the symbols simple and do not use unnatural and non-standard shapes that confuse the user.
Using one or more colors on the site is out of standard and principles. To maintain balance in using colors to make the infographic attractive, you can use five color combinations. In using a single color, different and important parts cannot be distinguished from each other, nor in using multiple colors, the main content cannot be displayed to the user.
simple design
Avoid complicated and obscure designs in graphic design, because these plans reduce the attention and focus of users from the main and important issues.
The benefits of infographics in SEO?
1- Infographics can provide very complex information and data in a more understandable and attractive way for users, which makes users more inclined to content that has graphic designs.
2- Graphic designs, such as infographics, are very popular on social media such as Pinterest and Facebook, and websites and have also become popular with many users.
3- Many people and information providers prefer to transfer their data in quick and easy ways, and using infographics to convey their content is a quick and easy way.
4- The use of infographics in online marketing increases inbound links, which in turn increases traffic and ranking. In fact, infographics are an essential tool for marketing online and telecommuting jobs and professions. The reason why infographics are so popular is that most audiences today prefer to use graphic visual content instead of textual and long content for information; this is an advantage for virtual marketers who can design attractive and rich infographics for users and Attract a large and enthusiastic audience.
5- Infographics help develop your brand. To advertise and introduce yourself to users, inserting your logo in infographics is one of the effective methods for advertising, which is also an advantage for your advertising. Since infographics combine visual and textual information and data, they can effectively describe your brand and make users eager to visit your site.
6- Using infographics can create new job opportunities and marketing elsewhere for virtual marketers.
7- Infographics increase traffic and site users. If your design infographic attracts users, users will share your infographic on other social networks, which will increase your traffic.
8- Providing and transmitting information through infographics for users, in the first seconds, establishes communication between you and the user and transmits important and necessary information.
9- Infographics are eye-catching and have a special influence on attracting users because many users prefer visual and abstract content to be long and tedious textual content. Browsing and reviewing infographics is very easy due to the summary of the content. People can easily receive the infographic transfer content in a few seconds and in a short time.
Why are infographics important for SEO?
- Using infographics will increase site traffic
- Introduces and brings you closer to your users and audience
- Makes it easily accessible to users
- Increases your audience and users and thus increases traffic
- It can be effective for your advertising
- Are effective methods in creating and increasing inbound links
- They have a positive effect on site ranking
How to prepare an infographic?
Preparing an infographic is summarized in four steps, and to create an effective and attractive infographic, you must go through these four steps carefully:
1- Choosing the right topic:
The purpose of preparing an infographic is to increase traffic and increase the speed of content transfer. Still, before preparing it, you should choose your topic, identify your audience and know who your audience is and in what tone you should produce content for them. Check their needs, and find and examine their content tastes. Once you've identified your target audience, choose a topic that your audience is most interested in and needs.
2- Research and data collection:
To design an effective and excellent infographic, you must have pure basic information and data. In collecting information, be careful not to use duplicate information that has been used before. Instead, use credible sources to design infographics by studying and acquiring new information.
After gathering useful and complete information, you should try to make the information and long texts as short as possible and write briefly and the most complex issues and data in a simple way.
3- Infographic preparation (visualization of data and information):
For a graphic design infographic, you can leave it to a company specializing in graphic design or design it yourself with the knowledge of graphic design techniques.
Share it:
After designing the infographic, you should make it available to your audience, you can make the infographics available to your audience by distributing and sharing them on your blog and websites, or you can share them on social media. This will increase the traffic to your site and will have a huge impact on its ranking.
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