Does host server location have effect on SEO?
8 minute(s) read
Published on: Feb 23, 2021
Updated on: Jan 22, 2022
Optimizing a site is so important, and all the efforts of people who deal with the Internet are to examine the points that may affect the SEO of the site so that they can optimize the website in the best possible way.
There are many things to consider when it comes to choosing a host server, including its price, as there may be many servers with the same price, after which you should consider other factors to make the best choice, for example, the location of the host server may be influential in SEO, which we will discuss below. Still, we first need to get acquainted with the server host.
What is a host server?
A host server is an information technology service typically provided by a server located in different geographical locations to host a site for users. Usually, different services are provided for it by hosting companies and domains. These services have better speed, security, and resources than hosts, but they are expensive, and you have to pay a lot of money for them.
There are generally two types of servers:
1- Dedicated Server:
Dedicated Server is a server that provides completely dedicated access to all resources, and no other user can access it. These types of servers have many advantages, including the complete control of resources, better access, etc., all of which make users want to use this type of server. Still, they pay attention to this point that it has a high price due to the specificity of this server, which makes this type of server unusable for small sites, and only people who have many clients and have resources can choose this type of server.
2- Virtual Server:
A Virtual Server is a server capable of hosting a limited number of sites and offers users more limited features than the previous server. Still, at the same time, it has a lower price, which allows small sites which have more limited financial resources to use this type of server.
Host server location has an effect on SEO?
Server host locations may affect the speed of the website and consequently the SEO of the site, which we will mention in more detail in this article.
- Site speed:
One of the things that can be affected by the location of your server is the speed of the site, which, as it seems, the closer the user who uses your site to your server, the faster the website loads for them. Given this, it seems to be better to choose a server host that is closer to our target users so that users can access the website more quickly and gain a positive user experience through which choose the same site again and again to meet their needs. Search engine algorithms examine different factors to rate a site and rank the site accordingly, but it is not clear yet whether Google algorithms and robots pay attention to
server hosts for ranking websites
or not, but in general, there is strong evidence that the IP address can affect the ranking of the site.
But the question is, what should site with users from all over the world should do in order not to slow down the loading of their site for users? To prevent the cases like this, they can get help from the CDN (Content Delivery Network), which we will discuss in the following. Which geographical locations should site with users from all over the world choose to use a hosting server?
The best choice for sites with users from all over the world is to use multiple servers in different geographical areas. In addition, to achieve the best possible result, such sites can get help from the Content Delivery Network and gain the satisfaction of users around the world.
What is a CDN?
Content Delivery Network includes servers located in different geographical locations. Requests are answered according to which server is closer to the site visitor location. The site information is gained from a server closer to the user's geographical location; in this way, the site will load faster, and the user who has visited the site will gain a positive user experience.
What are the benefits of using a Content Delivery Network?
- The speed of a website has
a great impact on increasing the website ranking
as well as high organic traffic to the website, and finally, by placing the site at the top of the search results page, more organic traffic is attracted to the site, using Content Delivery Network increases the speed of a site, because if you use this network, all the website data pressure is not on a single server and several servers or networks do it simultaneously, so everything will be done faster due to the ability of division of labor in CDN.
- By using this type of content distribution network, site security is significantly increased, and as you know, site security is an important factor of satisfying users and causes users to trust the site more; the security of such networks is very strong due to the existence of a strong firewall in them, which can detect attacks on your site in a very short time and eliminate them immediately and ultimately your site won't be damaged.
- By using such networks, you can benefit from more bandwidth.
- Costs can be reduced by using a CDN because the network works collaboratively, and many visitors can use it simultaneously, and do not need to spend a lot of money to provide a Dedicated Server, which can help a lot because it allows you not to spend too much money.
- Content Delivery Network can be easily installed.
Important tips:
In the past, it seemed that the geographical location of the hosting server had
a greater impact on the site SEO
And sites that used hosting servers in further geographic locations from the users were ranked lower, but nowadays, due to the existence of Content Delivery Network, algorithms and bots pay less attention to the geographical location of server hosts and have focused on on-site quality and user satisfaction.
In addition, Google is trying to pay no attention to server hosting, in general, to make this factor affectless on ranking the site, and updates its algorithms in such a way that gives more importance to other cases.
There are several ways to find out where the site owner is targeting, one of which is Google algorithms, one of the factors through which Google algorithms can realize the geographical location of targeted users is the language of the site, for example, if the site is written in German, it is likely that the site is targeting users in Germany.
The following items can also indicate the geographical area of the targeted users:
- Country-code top-level domain is a high-level Internet domain that is generally used or reserved for a country, which represents the target geographical area.
- URL is one of the factors which you can get help from it in this way.
- Basic information on the site, such as prefix and local address, through which you can find out the geographical location.
- The currency used on the site can also identify the targeted user's geographical location because of its specificity.
Last word:
In general, it can be said that server hosting sites have an on-site effect optimization.
But they don't have a huge impact on it. As a result, nowadays, Google search engine tries not to pay much attention to this factor and focuses on other things, so you should do the same thing and pay more attention to the factors which increase the site ranking in the search results page, as we have mentioned in this article, you have to be careful in the selection of keywords, appropriate title, meta descriptions, correct and moral linking, continuous updating, etc., which can be done to make a site successful and for solving the problem of the impact of server hosting on SEO, you can use Content Delivery Network, which we tried to mention the benefits of using this type of network for the site in this article.
Website SEO analysis services