What is google page rank algorithm?
8 minute(s) read
Published on: Jan 05, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
A well-optimized site gets more and more traffic over time. It means you will be able to get more sales and leads. Without SEO, users will not get your site, and your effort will be in vain. In this regard, one of the most important applications of Google in the field of SEO is the Google page rank, which ranks sites and web pages; if you are dealing with online sites and businesses, you have definitely heard of the name of Google page rank. In this article, you will get acquainted with this algorithm.
PageRank Algorithm:
It is an algorithm for ranking web pages and site ranking, which is a score between zero and ten, which is measured through the inbound links of a site so that the more inbound links to a site, the more valuable the site are from Google point of view, so it is considered as a reputable website. In other words, every inbound link to a website is considered a vote to increase its ranking of it. Additionally, if the site that we are linking to is valuable and credible enough, the vote that is given to us is more worthwhile.
PageRank History:
PageRank was introduced by co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford. PageRank is calculated by analyzing inbound links to a website. Larry Page defined a way to examine each link on a website; he considered a point for each link, containing links from popular and reputable websites was more worthy than having links from normal websites
What is Link Juice:
Link Juice is the value of a backlink that is expressed as a percentage; it is obtained by a formula which is the page rank divided by its outbound links. The relationship between Link Juice and Google PageRank is that both of them work in the same way. Suppose you link from one page of your website to another or to the pages of other websites, some of the value and credibility of your page transfers to the page which you link to. You can use nofollow and dofollow links to expose search engines that which link to follow and reach its source and which link not to follow and do not give a rating to the website which you have linked to, in other words, When you use the no-follow tag, you do not want the value of your page to be transferred to the link, the search engine respects your decision and prevents the value transfer. Of course, there are ways to increase Link Juice, including
1- Creating a positive user experience with up-to-date site content.
2- Trying to produce useful and trustworthy content.
3- Trying to introduce your site to users all around the globe in various ways.
4- Having interaction with users so that the site can be seen more.
How to evaluate PageRank:
In 2000, Google introduced the first version of its PageRank toolbar, but in 2016, the Google page ranking system became unavailable to the public due to abuses of the information provided by PageRank, including the use of spoofed PageRank. In this case, the PageRank shown in the toolbar was easily manipulated, but using other tools such as Rankerizer, Free Monitor for Google, and Pro Rank Tracker is available for users. You can also use the Website Ranking Checker tool. This tool will show you the current PageRank and detect any problems affecting it.
A number of backlinks:
Every link that is given to your page is equal to one vote. If you get more votes, google concludes that your page has more credibility, but we should not neglect the quality of backlinks
A number of links on the linked page:
The number of links should neither be too much nor less than usual; this factor is effective in ranking.
Linked page:
The more valuable the linked page and the richer the content, the more valuable the link is in comparison with a link to a valueless page.
Probability of user clicking on the link:
The probability of a user clicking on a link is directly related to PageRank. Based on your observations, you know that all the users don't click on all links. For example, the probability that a user clicks on an advertisement in the footer is very low. There are different types of links, some of which are mentioned at the bottom.
Nofollow Links:
In the past, Nofollow links prevented PageRank flow; for example, when ten external links were given in a text, and eight of these ten links were nofollow ones, only two external links that were nofollow were counted in the PageRank, but in 2009 Google changed its algorithms and nofollow links were calculated in PageRank.
Internal Links:
Internal linking will have a strong impact on PageRank if we are familiar with its structure and the way it works. In general, realizing the importance of internal links for SEO, knowing the different types of internal links, understanding how to audit your site's existing links is so useful. It is important to know how to make your website an internal linking strategy. Internal links generally help search engines identify the structure of your website and help users navigate between pages with similar topics and content.
What is a Rankerizer?
Rankerizer is one of the best tools to check the ranking of a site, which. By using this software, you can get your site ranking for free, also. By using Rankerizer, you can see the downward or upward trend of your site ranking.
What is Free Monitor for Google?
Free Monitor for Google is one of the most useful tools for monitoring keywords in Google, which doesn't need much space, but it has many capabilities. The way it works is that you can submit as many sites as you need in this software and specify the keywords for each one; this software searches the first page by default.
What is Pro Rank Tracker?
Pro Rank Tracker is a tool for tracking top rankings, which provides users with the latest changes and developments in the ranking of sites, videos, and also users. Through this program, you can see your rank and manage your own account.
How to increase page rank:
Having useful content naturally attracts users, they also share the link on other websites; it is possible to increase page rank naturally by writing articles on popular news sites; in other words, having more backlinks is better, but not the useless ones. Valueless backlinks do not promote the site; they reduce the site's credibility instead. In summary, the following ways to increase search engine rankings can be mentioned:
1. Content amount and quality
2. The object of the page
3. Trustworthiness, authority, and expertise
4. Users interact with the pages
5. Bounce rate and time on page
6. Content creator reputation and website reputation
7. Website info and quality of the content
8. User experience
The quantity and quality of the links to a page are important; by evaluating these links, Google decides which pages appear and rank on the Google results page. Therefore, in order to get a higher ranking, you should get links from reputable sites. Also, those sites need linking to other sites to reach the first rank; if your website is on the first page, it improves your chances to get quality traffic and better exposure. It can convert into a sale. In short, you will get online visibility. There are many other benefits of high-ranking Google. If your website is available on the 1st page, then most users will click on your website. It means your website and business will get more exposure and recognition in the industry. When clients come to know about your business, then the chances are that the name will ring the bell. Therefore, your website's visibility on Google page ranking, then your business will gain more leads and sales.
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