The key to success in SEO
8 minute(s) read
Published on: Feb 01, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
You can get more website traffic by optimizing the website due to the popularity that you will gain as a result of optimization. There are some ways of being successful in SEO which we are going to mention in this text.
What is SEO?
The word SEO stands for search Engine Optimization A set of activities must be done to do SEO for your site; these activities are being done both inside and outside the site for improving the rankings in search engines and eventually help you gain more website traffic, as well as more click-through rate. The person who implements SEO techniques on your website is called a SEO expert Who can improve your ranking in search results pages as a result of getting high site traffic.
The history of SEO:
In the past, SEO and all the related factors were not widespread as today, and SEO experts were only able to optimize the pages of sites based on the effective factors of website ranking to reach high rankings in the search engine results page. As a result of the changes that occurred in the field of SEO and its international development, a professional SEO expert should be able to update website old content constantly, as well as proper production of quality content according to the user needs analysis to make a great user experience by answering all of their questions, which is the main cause of ranking improvement in search engine results page.
Another difference between the past version of SEO and the latest one is that the website optimization was only done for desktop computers, due to the fact that smartphones were not invented yet, computers were the main and only tool to communicate over the internet, so today SEO experts are facing lots of changes, and they should focus on optimizing
mobile applications and ensure that their site is accessible from mobile devices to give users the opportunity of meeting their needs by using their mobile phones, which are more portable and easier to use, so this opportunity can also help you to make the website optimization process faster. Another change in the field of SEO occurred when applications like Facebook, Instagram, etc., were launched. Before launching these applications and their huge impacts (whether beneficial or negative) on human beings' life, the content of a website was shared via email, which didn't have enough impact on website optimization, but these applications were game changers because they had a huge impact on-site optimization.
Now, we are going to mention the key points of success in the SEO field.
Google algorithms
are regularly being updated so that they can deliver the most appropriate results to users, they also rank websites with the best and the most useful content; as a result, users can get the answers to their questions easily by clicking on a reputable website which is the top-ranked one. In fact, google algorithms are computer programs that have mathematical functions and formulas that categorize and analyze the content of sites with the help of Google crawlers, each newly released algorithm is more updated and detailed than the previous one, so it can be more helpful in website ranking. RankBrain algorithm is the one that causes a major difference in google search engine optimization for websites, that is based on Google's artificial intelligence, and it optimizes the search results, which is dependent on user behavior data.
Eventually, our main goal in this article so far was getting to know a series of directions that you must follow to optimize a website according to Google algorithms. We are going to mention the rest of them below:
1- Provide subjects which users are most interested in:
One of the most important points of site optimization is using the relevant and up-to-date website content. A web designer should initially think of the questions that may appear in users' minds and get to know their needs; therefore, the content must be useful and long-form. You can also publish content with popular subjects that make users interested in sharing them with others; this way may also make them a link to the content and write about them, which is counted as a positive point and one of the best ways to achieve success in SEO.
2- Use keywords:
Keywords can be the main cause of improving the ranking of a website in google search engine results page, as well as attracting google algorithms. The important point is that keywords must be used in both title and content; they should also be used in meta description correctly. To avoid repetition, you should use synonyms of them instead because if you overuse keywords, it considers as a problem, and your website will be penalized.
3- Increase page loading speed:
One of the keys to success in SEO is increasing page loading speed. To achieve this goal, the size of image files, videos and etc., must be optimized.
If a page takes more than 3 seconds to load, about 40% of users will leave the website. (Neil Patel)
In order to be able to speed up your website, there are lots of ways that some of which are mentioned below:
Reduce URL redirection; you may be wondering what URL redirection is? URL redirection, called URL forwarding, is a technique for creating a website with more than one URL. When a web browser tries to open the URL to which it is directed, a page with a different URL opens.
Use simple code like HTML for the website:
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language Which is a standard language that is designed to be displayed on a web browser.
Another way to increase the page loading speed is to get rid of unnecessary or old content that occupies the space of the website.
4- Use Google Analytics:
Google Analytics is a website analytics tool provided by the Google search engine that evaluates and reports website traffic; this tool is a platform within the Google Marketing Platform brand. You can monitor the content of your website through this tool, and if there is a problem, you can solve it as soon as possible.
5- Use external links:
An external link is a link that refers to an external domain. In other words, the links that you receive from other websites are actually external links, and also if another website has linked to your website, in fact, they have received an external link from it, which increases the value and credibility of the website because Google gives more importance to users' opinion. Using external links has a great impact on website optimization, and it also increases website ranking.
Here is a number of external links:
- Guest blogging backlinks
- Backlinks in business profiles
- Backlinks from webinars
- Free-tool backlinks
- Badge backlinks
- Comment backlinks
6- Use internal links:
Using internal links allows users to display pages of the website, so users are able to meet their needs and get the answer to their questions as soon as possible, which makes your website a valid and reputable one; on the other hand, this kind of linking increases the dwell time, and it helps you to get high ranking in search engine results page. An Internal link is actually a link that is given from a domain to another page of the same domain, in other words, a link that is given from one page of your website to another page of it.
7- Do not neglect the role of social media:
By placing the share button on the social network, we give the user the opportunity to the ability to share the content with his/her friends on social networks easily, if he/she is attracted to it, so you can attract more users to the website and optimize it. Social media buttons are clickable icons that appear on a number of your web pages to allow your website visitors to share your content through their social network profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social media platforms, this activity ultimately optimizes your website.
Last word:
In general, in order to optimize a website better and more principled, there are many practical ways that can be achieved by having enough information about each of these ways, so you can attract more users to your website.
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