How to set up and use Bluetooth in Android systems
5 minute(s) read
Published on: Aug 10, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
There are many ways to send different types of data to other devices. One way to send data wirelessly from one device to another without a physical connection is to use Bluetooth technology. In this part of the tutorial, we want to tell you about Bluetooth technology because we will explain Android systems of Bluetooth technology, which is the method of sending and transmitting data wirelessly. If you want to know how to connect and transfer data wirelessly from one device to another in Android systems, we suggest you follow this tutorial.
Learn how to transfer data using Bluetooth
What is the Bluetooth API used for?
The Bluetooth API is used to scan the Bluetooth technology of other devices.
Bluetooth API The Bluetooth API is used to provide a list of paired devices.
Bluetooth API is also used to connect to other devices.
It should be noted that Android systems use the BluetoothAdapter group to transfer data from one device to another.
1- To use the group mentioned above to send and transfer data, we must create an object using the static call method. Like the following:
2- After creating a suitable object for calling using the static method, you must activate your device's Bluetooth (ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE). How to activate Bluetooth on the device is as follows:
You can activate your device's Bluetooth permanently by entering the above codes.
3- Other constants can be used in data transfer via Bluetooth. These constants are listed below:
Note that this constant can be used to turn on Bluetooth discovery.
This constant is used to give a warning when the Bluetooth status changes.
- ACTION_FOUND constant:
This constant is also used to obtain information about Bluetooth of detected devices, so we know that this constant is used to obtain the required information about Bluetooth of detected devices. Goes.
4- After activating Bluetooth, you can see the list of devices connected to Bluetooth by calling the getBondedDevices () method.
5- To enter the code with which you can announce a set of Bluetooth devices, you must do the following and write the codes inserted below.
6- Of course, it should be noted that in addition to the devices connected to the API, other methods can have more control over Bluetooth. These methods are available on the API as follows:
- enable () method:
This method can activate the modulator if it is not active.
- IsEnabled () method:
If the modulator is active, this method is correct.
- Disable () method:
Disable () method is used to disable the modulator.
- GetName () method:
This method is used to rename the modifier.
- SetName (String name) method:
This method can be used to change the Bluetooth name.
- getState () method:
This method can be used to rename Bluetooth.
- StartDiscovery () method:
StartDiscovery () method can also enable the Bluetooth discovery process for 120 seconds.
Below is an example to better understand the work of Bluetooth.
1- In this part of the tutorial, we will give you an example. You must use the Eclipse IDE to create an Android application to better understand.
2- Name the Android application you want to create AudioCapture.
3- It is better to name and save this program under com. Example. audiocapture package.
Target SDK and Compile With must be in the latest version.
4- We will change the src / file.
5- We must change the XML file layout related to res/layout / activity_main.xml. Add the GUI component as well.
6- Then, we must change the res/values / string.xml file and add the string component.
7- We change AndroidManifest.xml so that we can finally add the necessary commands to it.
8- Then, we must run the program.
9- The contents and code should be included in the src/com.example. Bluetooth / files are as follows.
10- After you change the activity_main.xml file, its contents will follow.
11- The contents and code in the Strings.xml file are as follows. You can see them and use them if necessary.
12- The contents of the AndroidManifest.xml file are as follows.
13- Now, we need to run the AndroidCapture application.
14- In this case, we assume that the mobile phone is not connected to the computer with the Android operating system.
15- To run this program through Eclipse, open one of the project files and select Run on it.
16- After selecting Run on one of the project activities, a window will open in which we must select our mobile device as an option.
17- Then, we must activate the turn on the button to finally turn on the device's Bluetooth. Of course, it should be noted that Bluetooth does not turn on after pressing this button. This means that it asks you for permission to activate Bluetooth.
18- After you allow Bluetooth to be activated, you must enable the Get visible feature to enable the visibility feature. By activating this option, your Bluetooth will be displayed to connect to other devices. Your device will then be displayed for 120 seconds for other devices to connect.
19- After you have authorized the display of the Bluetooth device for 120 seconds and activated it, make changes to the byte so that you can see the list of connected devices.
20- Activate List Devices to see the list that shows the connected devices.
21- After you have made all the necessary changes and tested it, it is time to turn off the device's Bluetooth. To do this, you can use Turn off to turn off the device's Bluetooth.
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