Google Caffeine Update and fresh content indexing
3 minute(s) read
Published on: Dec 07, 2020
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
Google announced Caffeine on August 10, 2009. It became one of the most significant updates in the history of the search engine. Google gave months of what they are known as Developer Preview since the Caffeine Update was massive. Google provided developers and SEO Professionals early access to it for reporting issues. It finally rolled out on June 8 of 2010.
What exactly was Google Caffeine?
It was a new web indexing system, and it allowed Google to store data and crawl more proficiently. Caffeine offers 50% fresher results for web searches than the last index, and it is a massive collection of web content. Whether it is a forum post, blog, or news story, you can now get links to related content quickly.
What is unique about this new system?
Caffeine is a new indexing system based on a massive infrastructure update, and it serves as the foundation for all future updates to the web search. The search index of google was designed with different levels, and some of them were updated with a high-speed than the others.
The main level was updated every couple of weeks. To refresh the old index layer, it needs to analyze the whole web. It means there was a significant delay between the duration when the page was found and made available to you.
If we compare it to the old index, Caffeine utilizes continuous and incremental indexing and crawling procedure. It has the benefit of finding and indexing web content quickly. Caffeine processes hundreds of thousands of pages every second by Google's account. It uses 100 million storage of gigabytes with new information added in the gigabyte.
What is its effect on the user?
Since this new index system has been introduced, the result's freshness that users get has been enhanced by 50%. This rise will not affect the static content, but it will affect other forms of content like news, pictures, videos, and real-time updates.
Effect on website operators
Due to this Google's new index system, it is possible that Google with crawl and index your content shortly after you publish it.
Is there any impact on search?
This new index system influenced rakings since it allowed quick indexing of new content. The pre-Caffeine index could not handle the billions of websites on the internet. It did not deal with a variety of gadgets, query input types, and data formats. Google did not attempt to impact raking, and it was not an algorithm update. The new indexing system is different from the old indexing system by Google.
Overview of Caffeine improvement
It is equally beneficial for content owners and searchers because it means that the entire content can be searchable within seconds after it is crawled. Moreover, it has changed the infrastructure, not the algorithm, and this change leaves no direct impact on current rankings. In this way, a user can get new content instantly. Now Google works more flexibly when it comes to saving content.
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