What is CSS?
8 minute(s) read
Published on: May 18, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
The world of the Internet is vast, and there are many sites that the owners of all of them are trying to create the best possible appearance for their sites; before the appearance of it, it is necessary to create the skeleton of all sites properly as well as using the correct and moral coding to create websites, after which it is possible to beautify the appearance of a site with the help of some factors.
When you go to a store to buy something, at first, it is the appearance of that store which can attract you to it, so that you are encouraged to look for an item among the others carefully. As a result, you can choose the item you need as soon as possible, the same idea is true about the Internet, and as you know, many sites on the Internet may be able to meet your needs, but it is up to you to choose one of them to get the desired answer.
The most important factor that has a huge impact on your choice in the first step is just like the situation which we have mentioned above about the appearance of a store which attracts you, so it is the appearance of the site that can persuade you to read or use it to do
online shopping
Various factors can help you. In addition to a suitable website configuration, you should also create a beautiful appearance for it, which is one of the essential factors of CSS, which will be discussed in more detail below.
What CSS?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, in fact, it describes how HTML elements are displayed on various sites, simply put, if you think of HTML as the skeletons of a human body, CSS can be considered as the flesh and skin that ultimately make up a human appearance.
It can be used to control the layout of multiple web pages at the same time; imagine how boring the web world would be if CSS did not exist, and users would be tired of visiting websites, and they would be unwilling to spend long hours in it, to get the answers to their questions.
What is the reason for this naming?
As we have mentioned above, CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets; the reason for naming the first part is because of the codes that are from top to bottom by default, just like cascading, the reason for naming the second part is because it is possible to create a Style Sheet to specify the properties of the various components in the web pages.
What is CSS used for?
It is generally used to define different styles for site pages, and all tasks such as page design, changes in their appearance, as well as adapting sites to display on different devices are being done through it; the last case is of great importance because today, users can use any device to enter different sites, and if the site is only created for being used on computers when the user wants to enter the website by mobile phone, they cannot easily use it. They will gain a negative user experience because of the different sizes of everything compared to the computer. As a result, they cannot use it easily, which will cause them to avoid visiting the website once again, so that they will tell their negative user experience to their friends, as a result of which
the traffic to your website will gradually decrease and the site ranking on the search results page
It Will decreases as well, which will have a very bad effect on the website as well as website owners.
What is HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, which is a language that is often used in
the design of web pages
, in fact, in this language, all the code is converted to HTML and displayed by the browser; in other words, it is created to describe the content of a web page and make a difference between the factors that exist in a site with the help of different codes.
You have to pay attention to the fact that this is just like the bones of a human being, and if you want a site to look beautiful, you have to pay attention to other things as well, because HTML hasn't been tagged for formatting a page, and it only describes web content.
CSS code structure:
CSS code has two parts, which are Selector and Declaration; in the Selector section, we enter the name of the HTML element to which we want to assign the desired style, and in the Declaration section, the part that is written in the middle of {} sign, which you must include all the properties you intend to apply in it.
Note the following example, which is an example of coding in CSS.
Advantages of using CSS:
There are many benefits to using CSS, some of which we will mention in the following so that if you have not used it yet, you can use it to create an attractive appearance for your sites.
- One of the important advantages is that it helps the owners and designers of different sites to be able to save their time in the best possible way; in fact, you can save your time by writing CSS once and then reuse the same page on multiple HTML pages, which means that you don't have to spend time on each HTML page separately to write CSS for each one.
- Another advantage is that when you suddenly realize that it needs to be changed after using it, you can change the style in a short time easily. After that, this update will be done to all pages of a site, so you do not need to apply these changes to all the pages individually, which can easily attract you to increase your awareness in this field as soon as possible.
- Style sheets allow you to use it to adapt content to run on different devices and make it possible for users who visit your site to enter the site from any device they want. As a result, they will gain a positive user experience due to this facility; as you know, this is very important and will enable you to achieve the desired success by
increasing the traffic to your site
Using it, you can write less code, which means that you can write it in the shortest possible time and reach your goal with less coding.
- As you know, technology is constantly evolving, and various elements are obsolete in HTML. Different browsers may no longer support them, so it is necessary to keep your website up to date and use the latest features available to design your site when you plan to design it. Given this content, you need to use CSS to make users who visit your site achieve their goal as soon as possible.
- As the last advantage, we can mention that when you use this item, you can
create a very good view for your site
Which will attract many users to it, which is one of the most important benefits that using Cascading Style Sheets can provide for us.
Last word:
In general, CSS is very popular these days, so we have tried our best to increase your awareness in this field so that you can use it in the best possible way; we hope that the content in this article can help you create a beautiful appearance for your website to attract different users to your site, because we have mentioned the necessary points in this regard, as a result, by paying more attention to these points, you can create a website with more awareness. You can increase the traffic to your website through this way as well.
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