What pages does a site need?
9 minute(s) read
Published on: Feb 17, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
To attract users to the website, a number of features must be observed throughout the website so that users, from the moment they click on the website to the time that they want to leave it, gain a positive user experience which this positive experience will ultimately affect our business, in addition to these features, a number of pages must be present on the site so that they can guide users properly, which we will discuss in the following.
Pages that a site needs:
1- Homepage:
The first page that any website needs is the Homepage, which the user can return to this page with a single click; as we mentioned before, attracting visitors to the site and turning the visitor into a real customer is very important for the site, this page can help a lot in this direction, in fact, when the users enter the site, the first page that they encounter a page which is called homepage, and by reading this page they can quickly get acquainted with the site owner's field of business and the general topic of the website, in order to choose whether this website can really meet their needs or not.
Do not fill the main page with a lot of images and also try to design this page in the simplest way so that the user is attracted to your website because of the simplicity of the work; in general, the main page of the website contains the elements that we will discuss in the following section.
Home page elements:
- logo:
The site logo is of great importance, which is located on the left and top of the page, which has a great psychological impact on the user that we should pay attention to the content of our site in designing the site logo and design an attractive according to the website theme.
Logo Design we can be attractive according to the website theme.
- webSite menu:
Creating a suitable menu allows the user to access different sections more quickly, and finally sees all the services in the site menu and does not need to scroll to realize all the services.
- Title:
As you know, the title is very important, and you should quickly notify the user of the site subject, and the user should be completely informed about the overall content of the site.
- User login section:
The user login section makes access to the site more private; for example, users should enter the site with a username and password that they choose after registering on it.
- Wallpaper:
The image was chosen for the background of the main page is so important because most users are attracted to it and spend more time on the site.
- Description of site features and characteristics:
Imagine that you want to offer a service or product to users who visit your site; in that case, you can mention these features and benefits in a part of the main page of your site, so that the user can choose the product with more knowledge.
- Description of site features and characteristics:
Imagine that you want to offer a service or product to users who visit your site; in that case, you can mention these features and benefits in a part of the main page of your site, so that the user can choose the product with more knowledge.
- Submit a suggestion on the main page:
For example, imagine that you have a site for selling Christmas trees, you can sell a number of your trees near Christmas, you should put this offer on the main page of your site.
- Footer:
The elements that make a footer include contact information, address, social network icons and etc., that are placed on this page.
- Links to social networks
Today, users spend a lot of time on social networks, and if you want to be seen more, you must place the links on the social networks in a specific place on the main page.
2- About Page:
About Page makes users aware of the importance of your brand; you can tell stories in this section to attract more users to your website and encourage them to see your entire site, if an interesting story about the reason why you started your activity and etc., which attracts the user, you can express on this page.
All pages of a website, including this page, should be designed according to the user's needs to encourage him/her to view other pages as well. You can also use multiple languages for this page to increase your users.
3- Services Page:
The service page is one of the most important pages on a website and ultimately leads a visitor to become a customer; on this page, you should describe the product in such a way that users can get the feeling of using the product so that users have a better understanding of the product, in this case, you can make a video of the product and share it.
Also, on this page, after stating the characteristics of the products and the way of sending them, you can mention their prices so that users can decide whether to use the product or not with enough information.
4- Blog Page:
On this page, you can put the latest products and services that you have provided; also, these pages should be in a way to attract users.
Blog posts can contain valuable and quality information related to the topic; it should be noted that in these posts, you should not advertise your product, but you should suggest appropriate solutions to gain a positive user experience.
5- Contact Page:
Contact Page is one of the most valuable and important pages and sends signals to users that this site gives value to its users; there are some people who are waiting to answer any questions which user may have about the site, products, services, how to register on the site, etc. so that user can get a better experience while using the site.
Also, on this page, you can find out the opinions of users about products and services and try to improve them so that you can ultimately attract more visitors; the important thing about this page is that the Contact Page should be available to users, and they should be able to access it with one click.
6- Privacy Policy page:
This page is especially important for sites that do online shopping in which all the rules that users must follow to buy the product are stated on this page; you can also add a security statement.
7- reviews page:
No matter how much you describe the products and services as a provider, it does not affect users as much as the opinion of the user who has used the products does; there are different ways that users can express their opinion about the product, for example, you can attract customers to make a video of themselves while using the product and express their experience of using it by offering a discount so that other users can get help from it and get to know the product better.
8- Sitemap page:
Sitemap page is one of the most important pages that helps robots and search engine algorithms to understand the site better and also if you updated the site, it can be discovered more quickly, to create this page, you can use the guides available on the Internet to create a very good page.
9- Page not found:
This 404 page informs visitors that the URL they entered no longer exists, it normally links to the home page, and visitors return to the home page.
10- Meet the team page:
A good site has a good support team which contains many people who run the site, and each has their own expertise that works in their field; for example, a professional SEO team should be behind the site and make an effort to optimize the site, there are other people in the team who are all trying to get the site to its goal.
11- Portfolio page:
On this page, create a gallery of your portfolio and services and thus gain your real customers.
Last word:
The design of the site pages has a great impact on attracting users, and there are pages that should exist in a site so that users can get more familiar with a website and can access different pages of the website easier, which is mentioned in this article. We have mentioned the pages that must be on a website, and the points that should be observed in creating the site, so that the users of your site can share it with their friends and increase the traffic to your website and finally increase the website ranking.
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