How do I learn Kotlin in few minutes?
12 minute(s) read
Published on: Oct 08, 2021
Updated on: Dec 14, 2021
It should be noted that Kotlin is an open-source static programming language introduced by JetBrains as IntelliJ IDEA. This language can also be run on the JVM platform. Kotlin programming-language was introduced by Google in 2017 as the most official language. To use Kotlin, which is a programming , you need to be somewhat familiar with Java. In other words, Java is a prerequisite for the Kotlin open-source programming language.
The Kotlin language has somewhat covered Java, JavaScript, etc., but it should be noted that the syntaxes used in Java are not the same as the syntaxes used in programming-language.
Why should we use-Kotlin?
The Kotlin open-source language we have introduced has some advantages and disadvantages that we want to tell you about. Here are some reasons why we should use the Kotlin programming-language:
1- Kotlin is an easy programming-language:
Kotlin programming-language is a very easy language that many users can learn this language easily and quickly. In addition, the syntaxes used in programming-language are almost like the syntaxes used in Java. Note that the syntaxes are almost identical and not the same. In addition to being easy, programming-language is also more readable and easier to understand.
2- Summary:
As we said, Kotlin is a programming-language that is based on JVM and that is why the number of codes used in this language is very small and concise. This language makes it easier for programmers to insert short, useful, and concise lines instead of writing and inserting large lines of code.
3- Better execution time and performance:
Since the amount and lines of code inserted in this programming-language are less, the time for their execution is much less. In other words, it does not take much time to execute the code inserted in the Kotlin-programming-language. In addition, it performs better and faster.
4- Easy concept:
As we mentioned in the above sections, this language is very advanced and for this reason, it is not necessary to enter many barcodes to write a program. This language is understandable and legible due to its advanced nature.
5- It is a new programming language:
This-programming language was recognized by Google almost in 2017 and has been used more since then. Of course, it should be noted that this-programming language is not a substitute for Java but is based on JVM. It is a new and advanced programming language that has many features and advantages and can make the work of programmers easier.
What are the disadvantages of programming-language?
As we told you about the advantages of this-programming above, in this section we want to tell you some of its disadvantages.
The disadvantages of programming-language are as follows:
- Calling:
One of the disadvantages of the programming language is that when calling some functions, it may have a problem. There are several functions in the notifications section that when the programmer wants to call them, it is not possible to determine which function is called.
- No static notification:
As we said, programming-language is almost like Java and is also based on JVM, but this does not have static management modifiers and cannot manage them.
In the above section, we have told you the advantages and disadvantages of using this language. In this section, we also want to say what uses this language has and what it can be used for.
It is worth noting that programming-language can be used in the programming and production and design of various
types of mobile applications
. Java is used in designing applications developed for mobile device platforms ( in Czech:
navrhování aplikací vyvinutých pro platformy mobilních zařízení
). Since 2017, when Google recognized this as one of the most widely used languages,
mobile app designers and developers
have also used the language.
How can we use this programming language?
If you want to use this programming language offline on your system, I suggest you follow the steps below:
1- Install Java 8:
Since is based on JVM, to be able to use this new programming-language, I must use JDK 8 and install it on our system. If you want to install JDK 8 on your computer system, it is better to go to the reputable oracle site and download and install it.
2- Install IDE:
To be able to use this programming-language easily, you need to use some IDEs. Of course, there are many different IDEs, some of which we will introduce to you below.
- NetBeans:
You can install this IDE directly and validly from the link
- Eclipse:
You can download this IDE from the link
- IntelliJ:
To access and download the IDE, you can go to = windows.
Configure Eclipse:
1- To do this, you must first open Eclipse and then go to the Eclipse Market Place section.
2- In the search field that is displayed, it is better to enter the word this and search for it. Then start the installation process on your system. It is worth noting that the installation process may take some time.
3- After the installation process is over, it is better to close Eclipse and open it again.
Create a Project:
4- After you open Eclipse and install Kotlin, you can create the first Kotlin project.
5- To do this, it is better to go through the steps File → New → Others.
6- Then select Kotlin project in the list that opens for you.
7- Then inside the SRC folder it is better to create a Kotlin-file. To do this, click on the Src folder and then select the new option.
8- At this stage, your file is created, and you can start coding.
9- For example, you can write the following code in the Hello.kt section.
What is the architecture of the Kotlin-language?
This programming language uses some special architectures to be able to display a quality output to the user.
The Kotlin-language compiler generates a byte code and executes this code on the JVM platform. This code created by the bytecode is the same as the code created in the Java .class file. If these codes are created in both methods and in both files and languages, they can be exchanged with each other.
What does the data look like ?
Note that the odd numbers shown in Kotlin are almost identical to the numbers shown in Java.
- Double number type: 64 bits
- Float number type: 32 bits
- Long number type: 64 bits
- Int number type: 32 bits
- Short number type: 16 bits
- Byte number type: 8 bits
The code below can show you how numbers work in programming language.
If you put the above tracking codes in the Kotlin console, the following outputs will be shown to you.
What are the characters like in this programming language?
It should be noted that Kotlin uses char to represent characters. To insert characters, be sure to use the "" sign and insert the desired characters in these symbols.
Note that to call character variables, I do not act like calling a number variable. I use two methods to call character variables.
One is to use the var call method and the val call method.
Like the following:
Logical variables in Kotlin
As you know, in this type of variables and data types, we have two states and two values, true and false. This means that in order to use this type of data and variables, we have only two data.
Like the following:
String variables in the Kotlin-programming-language
It is worth noting that they are the same representations of the characters. Two types of variables are used to use this discipline or the Kotlin programming language. One is raw string and the other is escaped string.
Like the following:
We used escaped String in the code above, and using escaped String causes an extra line to be inserted after the first command is printed.
The result of the above rejection codes is as follows:
What are arrays like in the Kotlin-programming-language?
As you know, presentations are among the data types that are homogeneous, and the new Kotlin programming language, like Java, can support this type of data.
Like the following:
By inserting the code written above, we can have the following output as other programming words. The output of the program written above is as follows:
As you know, collections are one of the most important parts of programming and can be used by many programmers. There are two types of collections in Kotlin, one of which is the immutable collection for inserting lists, maps, and editable collections. Another is the mutable collection, which is an editable collection.
How to use collections in this programming language:
The result of the above rejection codes is as follows:
In addition, there are some methods such as first (), last (), filter (), etc. in Kotlin, and of course, the implementation of this type of method is very easy.
Using some of the default methods in Kotlin, we want to implement Map and Set.
If you want to know what the result and output of the codes listed above are, the result is listed below:
Domains are another Kotlin category that we can use to easily insert duplicate programs. You can use range to () to use the domain and write duplicate code.
Here is how to implement and use the domain and duplication:
The result of the codes listed above is as follows:
If - Else and conditional structures
Since Kotlin is
a functional programming
language, the word If can also be used as a phrase and not as a keyword. This means that we can use If to insert some conditional statements and structures, and the Kotlin programming-language treats it as a phrase and structure, not as a keyword.
The function of the If structure in Kotlin is like that of other programming languages, and it can be used to create a conditional structure.
Like the following:
The output of the codes listed above is listed below:
How do I use the phrase When ?
The switch command can also be used in other programming languages, this expression can also be used as a conditional expression.
Like the following:
The codes listed above will have the following output:
In the code above, this compiler can match the value of x to specific categories. If this value does not match any of the branches, the compiler goes to execute the commands listed in the else section.
It should be noted that when with several if blocks can be equal.
Of course, it is better to know this is flexible and can be used with "," rather than running multiple checks in one check. Like the following:
If we run the above flexible codes, we will get the output x is neither 1 nor 2.
What is the For loop like?
The For loop is one of the loops that has high flexibility in performing repetitions and this loop can be used for repetitions. How to execute and implement the for instance in this language is almost the same as implementing this Java loop.
Here are some examples to implement and insert them for you:
In the code and example above, we have inserted a list called items that all its values are defined using the for loop in this list and then finally prints the result.
The output of listed-above using the For loop is as follows:
Here are some codes that use library functions to make it easier for the programmer:
The result and output after compilation will be as follows:
While and Do-While loops in this
It should be noted that the performance of these two loops in this is the same as their performance in other languages, but the only difference is that the condition in the Do-while loop is measured and performed in the last step.
In the following code, we will tell you how to implement the While loop:
The result and output of the codes listed above are as follows:
The Do-While loop is another loop where the code inserted in the body of this loop will be executed once. The condition will also be considered when examining the body of the ring:
In the code we entered above, first the codes entered in the DO section will be checked and then the conditions in the while section will be executed. So, the output will be as follows: